BillingAccountsDto Data Type

The Class BillingAccountsDto.

Implemented Interfaces
name data type description
billingAccount array of BillingAccountDto The billing account.


  "billingAccount" : [ {
    "id" : 12345,
    "auditableField" : [ {
      "entityClass" : "...",
      "fieldName" : "...",
      "id" : 12345,
      "changeOrigin" : "...",
      "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ],
      "originName" : "...",
      "code" : "...",
      "previousState" : "...",
      "currentState" : "...",
      "description" : "...",
      "created" : "...",
      "updatedCode" : "...",
      "actor" : "..."
    }, {
      "entityClass" : "...",
      "fieldName" : "...",
      "id" : 12345,
      "changeOrigin" : "...",
      "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ],
      "originName" : "...",
      "code" : "...",
      "previousState" : "...",
      "currentState" : "...",
      "description" : "...",
      "created" : "...",
      "updatedCode" : "...",
      "actor" : "..."
    } ],
    "externalRef1" : "...",
    "code" : "...",
    "externalRef2" : "...",
    "description" : "...",
    "name" : {
      "title" : "...",
      "firstName" : "...",
      "lastName" : "..."
    "address" : {
      "address1" : "...",
      "address2" : "...",
      "address3" : "...",
      "address4" : "...",
      "address5" : "...",
      "zipCode" : "...",
      "city" : "...",
      "country" : "...",
      "state" : "..."
    "updatedCode" : "...",
    "jobTitle" : "...",
    "businessAccountModel" : {
      "id" : 12345,
      "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ],
      "code" : "...",
      "description" : "...",
      "updatedCode" : "..."
    "customFields" : {
      "customField" : [ { }, { } ],
      "inheritedCustomField" : [ { }, { } ]
    "customerAccount" : "...",
    "vatNo" : "...",
    "billingCycle" : "...",
    "registrationNo" : "...",
    "contactInformation" : {
      "email" : "...",
      "phone" : "...",
      "mobile" : "...",
      "fax" : "...",
      "address" : { }
    "country" : "...",
    "tradingCurrency" : "...",
    "minimumAmountEl" : "...",
    "language" : "...",
    "nextInvoiceDate" : 12345,
    "minimumLabelEl" : "...",
    "subscriptionDate" : 12345,
    "minimumTargetAccount" : "...",
    "terminationDate" : 12345,
    "electronicBilling" : true,
    "minimumAmountElSpark" : "...",
    "status" : "CLOSED",
    "statusDate" : 12345,
    "minimumLabelElSpark" : "...",
    "terminationReason" : "...",
    "minimumChargeTemplate" : "...",
    "email" : "...",
    "invoices" : [ {
      "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ],
      "invoiceId" : 12345,
      "invoiceType" : "...",
      "billingAccountCode" : "...",
      "sellerCode" : "...",
      "subscriptionCode" : "...",
      "subscriptionId" : 12345,
      "orderNumber" : "...",
      "status" : "VALIDATED",
      "dueDate" : 12345,
      "invoiceDate" : 12345,
      "categoryInvoiceAgregate" : [ { }, { } ],
      "taxAggregate" : [ { }, { } ],
      "invoiceIdToLink" : [ 12345, 12345 ],
      "invoiceNumber" : "...",
      "discount" : 12345.0,
      "amountWithoutTax" : 12345.0,
      "amountTax" : 12345.0,
      "amountWithTax" : 12345.0,
      "paymentMethod" : "WIRETRANSFER",
      "xmlFilename" : "...",
      "xml" : "...",
      "pdfFilename" : "...",
      "pdf" : "...",
      "autoValidation" : true,
      "returnXml" : true,
      "returnPdf" : true,
      "sendByEmail" : true,
      "includeBalance" : true,
      "recordedInvoiceDto" : { },
      "netToPay" : 12345.0,
      "invoiceMode" : "DETAILLED",
      "customFields" : { },
      "dueBalance" : 12345.0,
      "isDraft" : true,
      "checkAlreadySent" : true,
      "overrideEmail" : "...",
      "sentByEmail" : true,
      "paymentScheduleInstancesDto" : { },
      "dunningEntryDate" : 12345,
      "dunningLastModification" : 12345,
      "dunningStatus" : "...",
      "realTimeStatus" : "PENDING_PLAN",
      "ratedTransactionsToLink" : [ 12345, 12345 ],
      "paymentIncidents" : [ "...", "..." ],
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      "initialCollectionDate" : 12345,
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      "paymentStatusDate" : 12345,
      "startDate" : 12345,
      "endDate" : 12345,
      "rawAmount" : 12345.0,
      "discountRate" : 12345.0,
      "discountAmount" : 12345.0,
      "isAlreadyAppliedMinimum" : true,
      "isAlreadyAddedDiscount" : true,
      "discountPlanCode" : "...",
      "lastAppliedRate" : 12345.0,
      "lastAppliedRateDate" : 12345
    }, {
      "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ],
      "invoiceId" : 12345,
      "invoiceType" : "...",
      "billingAccountCode" : "...",
      "sellerCode" : "...",
      "subscriptionCode" : "...",
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      "orderNumber" : "...",
      "status" : "VALIDATED",
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      "taxAggregate" : [ { }, { } ],
      "invoiceIdToLink" : [ 12345, 12345 ],
      "invoiceNumber" : "...",
      "discount" : 12345.0,
      "amountWithoutTax" : 12345.0,
      "amountTax" : 12345.0,
      "amountWithTax" : 12345.0,
      "paymentMethod" : "CARD",
      "xmlFilename" : "...",
      "xml" : "...",
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      "pdf" : "...",
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      "customFields" : { },
      "dueBalance" : 12345.0,
      "isDraft" : true,
      "checkAlreadySent" : true,
      "overrideEmail" : "...",
      "sentByEmail" : true,
      "paymentScheduleInstancesDto" : { },
      "dunningEntryDate" : 12345,
      "dunningLastModification" : 12345,
      "dunningStatus" : "...",
      "realTimeStatus" : "DISPUTED",
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      "discountAmount" : 12345.0,
      "isAlreadyAppliedMinimum" : true,
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      "discountPlanCode" : "...",
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      "lastAppliedRateDate" : 12345
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      "description" : "...",
      "updatedCode" : "..."
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    "phone" : "...",
    "minimumInvoiceSubCategory" : "...",
    "userAccounts" : {
      "userAccount" : [ { }, { } ]
    "discountPlanForInstantiation" : [ {
      "disabled" : true,
      "id" : 12345,
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      "code" : "...",
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      "statusDate" : 12345,
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    }, {
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    } ],
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      "value" : { }
    }, {
      "key" : "...",
      "value" : { }
    } ],
    "paymentMethod" : {
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  }, {
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      "value" : { }
    }, {
      "key" : "...",
      "value" : { }
    } ],
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      "info4" : "...",
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      "owner" : "...",
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      "cardNumber" : "...",
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      "email" : "...",
      "referenceDocumentCode" : "...",
      "customFields" : { }
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    "primaryContact" : "...",
    "tagCodes" : [ "...", "..." ]
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