BillingCycleDto Data Type

The Class BillingCycleDto.

Implemented Interfaces
name data type constraints description
id number   The id.
auditableField array of AuditableFieldDto  
code string required The code
billingTemplateName string   The invoice template name.
Deprecated in v 10.0.0. Use billingTemplateNameEL instead
description string   The description
billingTemplateNameEL string max size: 2000, min size: 0 Expression to calculate Invoice template name
updatedCode string   The updated code.
invoiceDateDelay number   Invoice date delay from a one shot charge date for immediate invoicing
Deprecated in v 10.0.0. Use invoiceDateDelayEL instead
invoiceDateDelayEL string max size: 2000, min size: 0 Expression to calculate the invoice date delay from a one shot charge date for immediate invoicing
dueDateDelay number   Invoice due date delay from the invoicing date
dueDateDelayEL string max size: 2000, min size: 0 Expression to calculate Invoice due date delay from the invoicing date
invoiceDateProductionDelay number   A delay to apply when calculating the invoice date. Invoice.invoiceDate = BillingRun.invoiceDate = BillingRun.processDate + BillingCycle.invoiceDateProductionDelay
invoiceDateProductionDelayEL string max size: 2000, min size: 0 Expression to calculate a delay to apply when calculating the invoice date. Invoice.invoiceDate = BillingRun.invoiceDate = BillingRun.processDate + BillingCycle.invoiceDateProductionDelay (resolved from EL).
transactionDateDelay number   A delay to apply when calculating the maximum date up to which to include rated transactions in the invoice - BillingRun.lastTransactionDate value. BillingRun.lastTransactionDate = BillingRun.processDate + BillingCycle.transactionDateDelay (resolved from EL).
Deprecated in v 10.0.0. Use lastTransactionDateDelayEL instead
lastTransactionDateDelayEL string max size: 2000, min size: 0 Expression to calculate the maximum date up to which to include rated transactions in the invoice. BillingRun.lastTransactionDate = BillingCycle.lastTransactionDate (resolved from EL)
lastTransactionDateEL string max size: 2000, min size: 0 Expression to calculate the maximum date up to which to include rated transactions in the invoice. BillingRun.lastTransactionDate = BillingCycle.lastTransactionDate (resolved from EL)
calendar string   The calendar.
invoicingThreshold number   The invoicing threshold.
splitPerPaymentMethod boolean   The split Per Payment Method option.
invoiceTypeCode string   The invoice type code.
invoiceTypeEl string   Expression to resolve invoice type code
customFields CustomFieldsDto   The custom fields.
type BillingEntityTypeEnum   The billing cycle type.
referenceDate ReferenceDateEnum   What reference date to use when calculating the next invoicing date with an invoice calendar as in: BillingCycle.calendar.nextCalendarDate(referenceDate)
scriptInstanceCode string   Code of the script instance.
checkThreshold ThresholdOptionsEnum   The option on how to check the threshold.
collectionDateDelayEl string   EL to compute invoice.initialCollectionDate delay.
computeDatesAtValidation boolean   To decide whether or not dates should be recomputed at invoice validation.
thresholdPerEntity boolean   check the threshold per entity/invoice.
billingRunValidationScriptCode string  
languageDescriptions array of LanguageDescriptionDto  


  "id" : 12345,
  "auditableField" : [ {
    "entityClass" : "...",
    "fieldName" : "...",
    "id" : 12345,
    "changeOrigin" : "...",
    "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ],
    "originName" : "...",
    "code" : "...",
    "previousState" : "...",
    "currentState" : "...",
    "description" : "...",
    "created" : "...",
    "updatedCode" : "...",
    "actor" : "..."
  }, {
    "entityClass" : "...",
    "fieldName" : "...",
    "id" : 12345,
    "changeOrigin" : "...",
    "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ],
    "originName" : "...",
    "code" : "...",
    "previousState" : "...",
    "currentState" : "...",
    "description" : "...",
    "created" : "...",
    "updatedCode" : "...",
    "actor" : "..."
  } ],
  "code" : "...",
  "description" : "...",
  "billingTemplateNameEL" : "...",
  "updatedCode" : "...",
  "invoiceDateDelayEL" : "...",
  "dueDateDelayEL" : "...",
  "invoiceDateProductionDelayEL" : "...",
  "lastTransactionDateDelayEL" : "...",
  "lastTransactionDateEL" : "...",
  "calendar" : "...",
  "invoicingThreshold" : 12345.0,
  "splitPerPaymentMethod" : true,
  "invoiceTypeCode" : "...",
  "invoiceTypeEl" : "...",
  "customFields" : {
    "customField" : [ {
      "code" : "...",
      "description" : "...",
      "fieldType" : "ENTITY",
      "languageDescriptions" : [ { }, { } ],
      "valueDate" : 12345,
      "valuePeriodStartDate" : 12345,
      "valuePeriodEndDate" : 12345,
      "valuePeriodPriority" : 12345,
      "stringValue" : "...",
      "dateValue" : 12345,
      "longValue" : 12345,
      "doubleValue" : 12345.0,
      "booleanValue" : true,
      "value" : [ { }, { } ],
      "mapValue" : {
        "property1" : { },
        "property2" : { }
      "entityReferenceValue" : { },
      "indexType" : "INDEX_NOT_ANALYZE",
      "fileValue" : "...",
      "formattedValue" : { },
      "urlReferenceValue" : { },
      "guiPosition" : "...",
      "customTableCode" : "...",
      "dataFilter" : "...",
      "fields" : "..."
    }, {
      "code" : "...",
      "description" : "...",
      "fieldType" : "CUSTOM_TABLE_WRAPPER",
      "languageDescriptions" : [ { }, { } ],
      "valueDate" : 12345,
      "valuePeriodStartDate" : 12345,
      "valuePeriodEndDate" : 12345,
      "valuePeriodPriority" : 12345,
      "stringValue" : "...",
      "dateValue" : 12345,
      "longValue" : 12345,
      "doubleValue" : 12345.0,
      "booleanValue" : true,
      "value" : [ { }, { } ],
      "mapValue" : {
        "property1" : { },
        "property2" : { }
      "entityReferenceValue" : { },
      "indexType" : "STORE_ONLY",
      "fileValue" : "...",
      "formattedValue" : { },
      "urlReferenceValue" : { },
      "guiPosition" : "...",
      "customTableCode" : "...",
      "dataFilter" : "...",
      "fields" : "..."
    } ],
    "inheritedCustomField" : [ {
      "code" : "...",
      "description" : "...",
      "fieldType" : "CHILD_ENTITY",
      "languageDescriptions" : [ { }, { } ],
      "valueDate" : 12345,
      "valuePeriodStartDate" : 12345,
      "valuePeriodEndDate" : 12345,
      "valuePeriodPriority" : 12345,
      "stringValue" : "...",
      "dateValue" : 12345,
      "longValue" : 12345,
      "doubleValue" : 12345.0,
      "booleanValue" : true,
      "value" : [ { }, { } ],
      "mapValue" : {
        "property1" : { },
        "property2" : { }
      "entityReferenceValue" : { },
      "indexType" : "STORE_ONLY",
      "fileValue" : "...",
      "formattedValue" : { },
      "urlReferenceValue" : { },
      "guiPosition" : "...",
      "customTableCode" : "...",
      "dataFilter" : "...",
      "fields" : "..."
    }, {
      "code" : "...",
      "description" : "...",
      "fieldType" : "ENTITY",
      "languageDescriptions" : [ { }, { } ],
      "valueDate" : 12345,
      "valuePeriodStartDate" : 12345,
      "valuePeriodEndDate" : 12345,
      "valuePeriodPriority" : 12345,
      "stringValue" : "...",
      "dateValue" : 12345,
      "longValue" : 12345,
      "doubleValue" : 12345.0,
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        "property2" : { }
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      "fileValue" : "...",
      "formattedValue" : { },
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      "guiPosition" : "...",
      "customTableCode" : "...",
      "dataFilter" : "...",
      "fields" : "..."
    } ]
  "type" : "ORDER",
  "referenceDate" : "TODAY",
  "scriptInstanceCode" : "...",
  "checkThreshold" : "AFTER_DISCOUNT",
  "collectionDateDelayEl" : "...",
  "computeDatesAtValidation" : true,
  "thresholdPerEntity" : true,
  "billingRunValidationScriptCode" : "...",
  "languageDescriptions" : [ {
    "languageCode" : "...",
    "description" : "..."
  }, {
    "languageCode" : "...",
    "description" : "..."
  } ]