The Class CRMAccountHierarchyDto.
name | data type | description |
crmAccountType | string | The crm account type. |
crmParentCode | string | The crm parent code. |
code | string | The code. |
description | string | The description. |
externalRef1 | string | The external ref 1. |
externalRef2 | string | The external ref 2. |
name | NameDto | The name. |
address | AddressDto | The address. |
contactInformation | ContactInformationDto | The contact information. |
jobTitle | string | The job title. |
language | string | The language. |
terminationReason | string | The termination reason. |
subscriptionDate | number | The subscription date. |
terminationDate | number | The termination date. |
customerCategory | string | The customer category. |
customerBrand | string | The customer brand. |
registrationNo | string | The registration no. |
vatNo | string | The vat no. |
mandateIdentification | string | The mandate identification. |
mandateDate | number | The mandate date. |
currency | string | The currency. |
caStatus | CustomerAccountStatusEnum | The ca status. |
creditCategory | string | The credit category. |
dateStatus | number | The date status. |
dateDunningLevel | number | The date dunning level. |
dunningLevel | DunningLevelEnum | The dunning level. |
methodOfPayment | array of PaymentMethodDto | The payment methods. |
isCompany | boolean | |
billingCycle | string | The billing cycle. |
country | string | The country. |
nextInvoiceDate | number | The next invoice date. |
electronicBilling | boolean | The electronic billing. |
baStatus | AccountStatusEnum | The ba status. |
string | The email. | |
invoicingThreshold | number | The invoicing threshold. |
uaStatus | AccountStatusEnum | The ua status. |
cfToAdd | CustomFieldDto | The cf to add. |
cfMapToAdd | CustomFieldDto | The cf map to add. |
customFields | CustomFieldsDto | The custom fields. |
discountPlanForInstantiation | array of DiscountPlanDto | List of discount plans. Use in instantiating DiscountPlanInstance. |
discountPlanForTermination | array of string | List of discount plans to be disassociated in a BillingAccount |
mailingType | string | Mailing type. |
emailTemplate | string | Email Template code. |
ccedEmails | string | a list of emails separated by comma. |
minimumAmountEl | MinimumAmountElDto | An object to store minimumAmount data for each account. |
customerInvoicingThreshold | number | The invoicing threshold for the customer . |
customerAccountInvoicingThreshold | number | The invoicing threshold for the customer account. |
checkThreshold | ThresholdOptionsEnum | The option on how to check the threshold for billingAccount. |
customerAccountCheckThreshold | ThresholdOptionsEnum | The option on how to check the threshold for customer Account. |
customerCheckThreshold | ThresholdOptionsEnum | The option on how to check the threshold for customer. |
taxCategoryCode | string | |
legalEntityType | TitleDto | |
thresholdPerEntity | boolean | check the threshold per entity/invoice for BA. |
customerAccountThresholdPerEntity | boolean | check the threshold per entity/invoice for customerAccount. |
customerThresholdPerEntity | boolean | check the threshold per entity/invoice for customer. |
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"creditCategory" : "...", "dateStatus" : 12345, "dateDunningLevel" : 12345, "dunningLevel" : "R0", "methodOfPayment" : [ { "paymentMethodType" : "DIRECTDEBIT", "id" : 12345, "disabled" : true, "alias" : "...", "preferred" : true, "customerAccountCode" : "...", "info1" : "...", "info2" : "...", "info3" : "...", "info4" : "...", "info5" : "...", "bankCoordinates" : { "bankCode" : "...", "branchCode" : "...", "accountNumber" : "...", "key" : "...", "iban" : "...", "bic" : "...", "accountOwner" : "...", "bankName" : "...", "bankId" : "...", "issuerNumber" : "...", "issuerName" : "...", "ics" : "..." }, "mandateIdentification" : "...", "mandateDate" : 12345, "cardType" : "VISA", "owner" : "...", "monthExpiration" : 12345, "yearExpiration" : 12345, "tokenId" : "...", "cardNumber" : "...", "issueNumber" : "...", "userId" : "...", "email" : "...", "referenceDocumentCode" : "...", "customFields" : { "customField" : [ { }, { } ], "inheritedCustomField" : [ { }, { } ] } }, { "paymentMethodType" : 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