name | data type | description |
transient | boolean | |
version | number | |
id | number | |
ruleJoint | string | |
auditable | Auditable | |
notified | boolean | |
auditableFields | array of AuditableFieldHistory | |
dunningPolicyRuleLines | array of DunningPolicyRuleLine | |
dunningPolicy | DunningPolicy | |
historized | boolean |
{ "transient" : true, "version" : 12345, "id" : 12345, "ruleJoint" : "...", "auditable" : { "lastModified" : 12345, "updated" : 12345, "updater" : "...", "created" : 12345, "creator" : "...", "lastUser" : "..." }, "notified" : true, "auditableFields" : [ { "historized" : true, "notified" : true, "auditType" : "RENEWAL", "historable" : true, "fieldName" : "...", "currentState" : { }, "notfiable" : true, "previousState" : { } }, { "historized" : true, "notified" : true, "auditType" : "RENEWAL", "historable" : true, "fieldName" : "...", "currentState" : { }, "notfiable" : true, "previousState" : { } } ], "dunningPolicyRuleLines" : [ { "ruleLineJoint" : "...", "auditable" : { "lastModified" : 12345, "updated" : 12345, "updater" : "...", "created" : 12345, "creator" : "...", "lastUser" : "..." }, "policyConditionTargetValue" : "...", "notified" : true, "dunningPolicyRule" : { "transient" : true, "version" : 12345, "id" : 12345, "ruleJoint" : "...", "auditable" : { }, "notified" : true, "auditableFields" : [ { }, { } ], "dunningPolicyRuleLines" : [ { }, { } ], "dunningPolicy" : { }, "historized" : true }, "version" : 12345, "historized" : true, "policyConditionOperator" : "...", "policyConditionTarget" : "...", "id" : 12345, "transient" : true, "auditableFields" : [ { "historized" : true, "notified" : true, "auditType" : "RENEWAL", "historable" : true, "fieldName" : "...", "currentState" : { }, "notfiable" : true, "previousState" : { } }, { "historized" : true, "notified" : true, "auditType" : "OTHER", "historable" : true, "fieldName" : "...", "currentState" : { }, "notfiable" : true, "previousState" : { } } ] }, { "ruleLineJoint" : "...", "auditable" : { "lastModified" : 12345, "updated" : 12345, "updater" : "...", "created" : 12345, "creator" : "...", "lastUser" : "..." }, "policyConditionTargetValue" : "...", "notified" : true, "dunningPolicyRule" : { "transient" : true, "version" : 12345, "id" : 12345, "ruleJoint" : "...", "auditable" : { }, "notified" : true, "auditableFields" : [ { }, { } ], "dunningPolicyRuleLines" : [ { }, { } ], "dunningPolicy" : { }, "historized" : true }, "version" : 12345, "historized" : true, "policyConditionOperator" : "...", "policyConditionTarget" : "...", "id" : 12345, "transient" : true, "auditableFields" : [ { "historized" : true, "notified" : true, "auditType" : "OTHER", "historable" : true, "fieldName" : "...", "currentState" : { }, "notfiable" : true, "previousState" : { } }, { "historized" : true, "notified" : true, "auditType" : "STATUS", "historable" : true, "fieldName" : "...", "currentState" : { }, "notfiable" : true, "previousState" : { } } ] } ], "dunningPolicy" : { "id" : 12345, "includePayReminder" : true, "active" : true, "policyPriority" : 12345, "historized" : true, "minBalanceTrigger" : 12345.0, "minBalanceTriggerCurrency" : { "auditable" : { }, "descriptionEn" : "...", "historized" : true, "symbol" : "...", "notified" : true, "auditableFields" : [ { }, { } ], "description" : "...", "systemCurrency" : true, "transient" : true, "id" : 12345, "version" : 12345, "currencyCode" : "...", "descriptionI18n" : { "property1" : "...", "property2" : "..." } }, "dunningLevels" : [ { "notified" : true, "auditableFields" : [ { }, { } ], "auditable" : { }, "dunningPolicy" : { }, "collectionPlanStatus" : { }, "id" : 12345, "transient" : true, "version" : 12345, "historized" : true, "sequence" : 12345, "dunningLevel" : { } }, { "notified" : true, "auditableFields" : [ { }, { } ], "auditable" : { }, "dunningPolicy" : { }, "collectionPlanStatus" : { }, "id" : 12345, "transient" : true, "version" : 12345, "historized" : true, "sequence" : 12345, "dunningLevel" : { } } ], "auditable" : { "lastModified" : 12345, "updated" : 12345, "updater" : "...", "created" : 12345, "creator" : "...", "lastUser" : "..." }, "version" : 12345, "isDefaultPolicy" : true, "attachInvoicesToEmails" : true, "totalDunningLevels" : 12345, "transient" : true, "includeDueInvoicesInThreshold" : true, "determineLevelBy" : "DAYS_OVERDUE_OR_BALANCE_THRESHOLD", "interestForDelaySequence" : 12345, "policyDescription" : "...", "disabled" : true, "isActivePolicy" : true, "auditableFields" : [ { "historized" : true, "notified" : true, "auditType" : "RENEWAL", "historable" : true, "fieldName" : "...", "currentState" : { }, "notfiable" : true, "previousState" : { } }, { "historized" : true, "notified" : true, "auditType" : "RENEWAL", "historable" : true, "fieldName" : "...", "currentState" : { }, "notfiable" : true, "previousState" : { } } ], "notified" : true, "dunningPolicyRules" : [ { "transient" : true, "version" : 12345, "id" : 12345, "ruleJoint" : "...", "auditable" : { }, "notified" : true, "auditableFields" : [ { }, { } ], "dunningPolicyRuleLines" : [ { }, { } ], "dunningPolicy" : { }, "historized" : true }, { "transient" : true, "version" : 12345, "id" : 12345, "ruleJoint" : "...", "auditable" : { }, "notified" : true, "auditableFields" : [ { }, { } ], "dunningPolicyRuleLines" : [ { 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