GetDiscountPlansResponseDto Data Type

The Class GetDiscountPlansResponseDto.

Implemented Interfaces
name data type description
paging PagingAndFiltering The paging.
discountPlan DiscountPlansDto The discount plan.
actionStatus ActionStatus The status response of the web service response.


  "paging" : {
    "fullTextFilter" : "...",
    "filters" : {
      "property1" : { },
      "property2" : { }
    "fields" : "...",
    "offset" : 12345,
    "limit" : 12345,
    "sortBy" : "...",
    "sortOrder" : "ASCENDING",
    "multiSortOrder" : "...",
    "totalNumberOfRecords" : 12345,
    "loadReferenceDepth" : 12345
  "discountPlan" : {
    "discountPlan" : [ {
      "disabled" : true,
      "id" : 12345,
      "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ],
      "code" : "...",
      "description" : "...",
      "startDate" : 12345,
      "updatedCode" : "...",
      "endDate" : 12345,
      "defaultDuration" : 12345,
      "durationUnit" : "MONTH",
      "customFields" : { },
      "discountPlanItem" : [ { }, { } ],
      "expressionEl" : "...",
      "discountPlanType" : "PRODUCT",
      "status" : "ACTIVE",
      "statusDate" : 12345,
      "initialQuantity" : 12345,
      "usedQuantity" : 12345,
      "applicationLimit" : 12345,
      "applicationFilterEL" : "...",
      "incompatibleDiscountPlans" : [ { }, { } ],
      "applicableEntities" : [ { }, { } ],
      "applicableOnOverriddenPrice" : true,
      "sequence" : 12345,
      "applicableOnDiscountedPrice" : true
    }, {
      "disabled" : true,
      "id" : 12345,
      "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ],
      "code" : "...",
      "description" : "...",
      "startDate" : 12345,
      "updatedCode" : "...",
      "endDate" : 12345,
      "defaultDuration" : 12345,
      "durationUnit" : "MONTH",
      "customFields" : { },
      "discountPlanItem" : [ { }, { } ],
      "expressionEl" : "...",
      "discountPlanType" : "PROMO_CODE",
      "status" : "DRAFT",
      "statusDate" : 12345,
      "initialQuantity" : 12345,
      "usedQuantity" : 12345,
      "applicationLimit" : 12345,
      "applicationFilterEL" : "...",
      "incompatibleDiscountPlans" : [ { }, { } ],
      "applicableEntities" : [ { }, { } ],
      "applicableOnOverriddenPrice" : true,
      "sequence" : 12345,
      "applicableOnDiscountedPrice" : true
    } ]
  "actionStatus" : {
    "status" : "WARNING",
    "errorCode" : { },
    "message" : "...",
    "entityId" : 12345,
    "entityCode" : "...",
    "nrAffected" : 12345,
    "json" : "..."