All the Opencell API web service response must extend this class.
name | data type | description |
contracts | array of ContractDto | |
actionStatus | ActionStatus | The status response of the web service response. |
{ "contracts" : [ { "contractAccountLevel" : "CUSTOMER", "accountCode" : "...", "status" : "ACTIVE", "statusDate" : 12345, "contractDate" : 12345, "beginDate" : 12345, "endDate" : 12345, "renewal" : true, "contractDuration" : 12345, "customFields" : { "customField" : [ { }, { } ], "inheritedCustomField" : [ { }, { } ] }, "billingRules" : [ { "invoicedBACodeEL" : "...", "priority" : 12345, "criteriaEL" : "..." }, { "invoicedBACodeEL" : "...", "priority" : 12345, "criteriaEL" : "..." } ], "id" : 12345, "auditableField" : [ { "entityClass" : "...", "fieldName" : "...", "id" : 12345, "changeOrigin" : "...", "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ], "originName" : "...", "code" : "...", "previousState" : "...", "currentState" : "...", "description" : "...", "created" : "...", "updatedCode" : "...", "actor" : "..." }, { "entityClass" : "...", "fieldName" : "...", "id" : 12345, "changeOrigin" : "...", "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ], "originName" : "...", "code" : "...", "previousState" : "...", "currentState" : "...", "description" : "...", "created" : "...", "updatedCode" : "...", "actor" : "..." } ], "code" : "...", "description" : "...", "updatedCode" : "..." }, { "contractAccountLevel" : "CUSTOMER", "accountCode" : "...", "status" : "ACTIVE", "statusDate" : 12345, "contractDate" : 12345, "beginDate" : 12345, "endDate" : 12345, "renewal" : true, "contractDuration" : 12345, "customFields" : { "customField" : [ { }, { } ], "inheritedCustomField" : [ { }, { } ] }, "billingRules" : [ { "invoicedBACodeEL" : "...", "priority" : 12345, "criteriaEL" : "..." }, { "invoicedBACodeEL" : "...", "priority" : 12345, "criteriaEL" : "..." } ], "id" : 12345, "auditableField" : [ { "entityClass" : "...", "fieldName" : "...", "id" : 12345, "changeOrigin" : "...", "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ], "originName" : "...", "code" : "...", "previousState" : "...", "currentState" : "...", "description" : "...", "created" : "...", "updatedCode" : "...", "actor" : "..." }, { "entityClass" : "...", "fieldName" : "...", "id" : 12345, "changeOrigin" : "...", "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ], "originName" : "...", "code" : "...", "previousState" : "...", "currentState" : "...", "description" : "...", "created" : "...", "updatedCode" : "...", "actor" : "..." } ], "code" : "...", "description" : "...", "updatedCode" : "..." } ], "actionStatus" : { "status" : "SUCCESS", "errorCode" : { }, "message" : "...", "entityId" : 12345, "entityCode" : "...", "nrAffected" : 12345, "json" : "..." } }