The Class GetPostInvoicingReportsResponseDto.
name | data type | description |
postInvoicingReportsDTO | PostInvoicingReportsDTO | The post invoicing reports DTO. |
actionStatus | ActionStatus | The status response of the web service response. |
{ "postInvoicingReportsDTO" : { "checkInvoicesNumber" : 12345, "electronicInvoicesNumber" : 12345, "directDebitAmuont" : 12345.0, "checkAmuont" : 12345.0, "invoicesNumber" : 12345, "tipAmuontHT" : 12345.0, "negativeInvoicesAmount" : 12345.0, "npmAmount" : 12345.0, "globalAmount" : 12345.0, "directDebitInvoicesNumber" : 12345, "npmAmountHT" : 12345.0, "wiretransferAmuont" : 12345.0, "negativeInvoicesAmountHT" : 12345.0, "wiretransferAmuontHT" : 12345.0, "creditDebitCardAmountHT" : 12345.0, "positiveInvoicesTaxAmount" : 12345.0, "directDebitAmuontHT" : 12345.0, "creditDebitCardInvoicesNumber" : 12345, "positiveInvoicesNumber" : 12345, "tipInvoicesNumber" : 12345, "negativeInvoicesTaxAmount" : 12345.0, "positiveInvoicesAmountHT" : 12345.0, "negativeInvoicesNumber" : 12345, "wiretransferInvoicesNumber" : 12345, "positiveInvoicesAmount" : 12345.0, "checkAmuontHT" : 12345.0, "emptyInvoicesNumber" : 12345, "tipAmuont" : 12345.0, "creditDebitCardAmount" : 12345.0, "npmInvoicesNumber" : 12345 }, "actionStatus" : { "status" : "SUCCESS", "errorCode" : { }, "message" : "...", "entityId" : 12345, "entityCode" : "...", "nrAffected" : 12345, "json" : "..." } }