OrderProductDto Data Type

DTO to create or update a order product

Implemented Interfaces
name data type description
orderProductId number
commercialOrderId number
orderLotCode string
orderOfferId number
discountPlanCode string
productVersion number
productCode string
quantity number
deliveryDate number
terminationDate number
terminationReasonCode string
actionType ProductActionTypeEnum
status InstanceStatusEnum
orderAttributes array of OrderAttributeDto


  "orderProductId" : 12345,
  "commercialOrderId" : 12345,
  "orderLotCode" : "...",
  "orderOfferId" : 12345,
  "discountPlanCode" : "...",
  "productVersion" : 12345,
  "productCode" : "...",
  "quantity" : 12345.0,
  "deliveryDate" : 12345,
  "terminationDate" : 12345,
  "terminationReasonCode" : "...",
  "actionType" : "MODIFY",
  "status" : "ACTIVE",
  "orderAttributes" : [ {
    "attributeCode" : "...",
    "parentAttributeValueId" : 12345,
    "commercialOrderId" : 12345,
    "assignedAttributeValueIds" : [ 12345, 12345 ],
    "orderAttributeCode" : "...",
    "customFieldDto" : {
      "customField" : [ { }, { } ],
      "inheritedCustomField" : [ { }, { } ]
    "attributeType" : "NUMERIC",
    "orderAttributeId" : 12345,
    "orderLotCode" : "...",
    "orderProductId" : 12345,
    "orderOfferId" : 12345,
    "accessPoint" : "...",
    "linkedOrderAttribute" : [ { }, { } ],
    "stringValue" : "...",
    "doubleValue" : 12345.0,
    "dateValue" : 12345,
    "booleanValue" : true
  }, {
    "attributeCode" : "...",
    "parentAttributeValueId" : 12345,
    "commercialOrderId" : 12345,
    "assignedAttributeValueIds" : [ 12345, 12345 ],
    "orderAttributeCode" : "...",
    "customFieldDto" : {
      "customField" : [ { }, { } ],
      "inheritedCustomField" : [ { }, { } ]
    "attributeType" : "DATE",
    "orderAttributeId" : 12345,
    "orderLotCode" : "...",
    "orderProductId" : 12345,
    "orderOfferId" : 12345,
    "accessPoint" : "...",
    "linkedOrderAttribute" : [ { }, { } ],
    "stringValue" : "...",
    "doubleValue" : 12345.0,
    "dateValue" : 12345,
    "booleanValue" : true
  } ]