OtherCreditAndChargeDto Data Type

The Class OtherCreditAndChargeDto.

Implemented Interfaces
name data type description
operationDate number The operation date.
auditableField array of AuditableFieldDto
id number The id.
dueDate number The due date.
type string The type.
transactionDate number The transaction date.
transactionCategory OperationCategoryEnum The transaction category.
reference string The reference.
accountCode string The account code.
accountingCode string The accounting code.
accountCodeClientSide string The account code client side.
amount number The amount.
amountWithoutTax number The amount without tax.
taxAmount number The tax amount.
matchingAmount number The matching amount.
unMatchingAmount number The un matching amount.
matchingStatus MatchingStatusEnum The matching status.
code string The occ code.
description string The occ description.
customerAccount string The customer account.
excludedFromDunning boolean The excluded from dunning.
orderNumber string The order number.
matchingAmounts MatchingAmountsDto The matching amounts.
otherCreditAndCharge OtherCreditAndChargeDto The other credit and charge.
recordedInvoice RecordedInvoiceDto The recorded invoice.
rejectedPayment RejectedPaymentDto The rejected payment.
bankLot string The bank lot.
bankReference string The bank reference.
bankCollectionDate number The bank collection date.
depositDate number The deposit date.
paymentMethod string The payment method.
customFields CustomFieldsDto The custom fields.
paymentInfo string The payment info.
paymentInfo1 string The payment info 1.
paymentInfo2 string The payment info 2.
paymentInfo3 string The payment info 3.
paymentInfo4 string The payment info 4.
paymentInfo5 string The payment info 5.
paymentInfo6 string The payment info 6.
billingAccountName string The billing account name.
paymentHistory array of PaymentHistoryDto
collectionDate number A collection date.
journalCode string The journal code.
status AccountOperationStatus
reason AccountOperationRejectionReason
accountingExportFile string
accountingDate number


  "operationDate" : 12345,
  "auditableField" : [ {
    "entityClass" : "...",
    "fieldName" : "...",
    "id" : 12345,
    "changeOrigin" : "...",
    "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ],
    "originName" : "...",
    "code" : "...",
    "previousState" : "...",
    "currentState" : "...",
    "description" : "...",
    "created" : "...",
    "updatedCode" : "...",
    "actor" : "..."
  }, {
    "entityClass" : "...",
    "fieldName" : "...",
    "id" : 12345,
    "changeOrigin" : "...",
    "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ],
    "originName" : "...",
    "code" : "...",
    "previousState" : "...",
    "currentState" : "...",
    "description" : "...",
    "created" : "...",
    "updatedCode" : "...",
    "actor" : "..."
  } ],
  "id" : 12345,
  "dueDate" : 12345,
  "type" : "...",
  "transactionDate" : 12345,
  "transactionCategory" : "CREDIT",
  "reference" : "...",
  "accountingCode" : "...",
  "amount" : 12345.0,
  "amountWithoutTax" : 12345.0,
  "taxAmount" : 12345.0,
  "matchingAmount" : 12345.0,
  "unMatchingAmount" : 12345.0,
  "matchingStatus" : "R",
  "code" : "...",
  "description" : "...",
  "customerAccount" : "...",
  "excludedFromDunning" : true,
  "orderNumber" : "...",
  "matchingAmounts" : {
    "matchingAmount" : [ {
      "matchingCode" : "...",
      "matchingAmount" : 12345.0,
      "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ],
      "matchingCodes" : { }
    }, {
      "matchingCode" : "...",
      "matchingAmount" : 12345.0,
      "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ],
      "matchingCodes" : { }
    } ]
  "otherCreditAndCharge" : {
    "operationDate" : 12345,
    "auditableField" : [ {
      "entityClass" : "...",
      "fieldName" : "...",
      "id" : 12345,
      "changeOrigin" : "...",
      "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ],
      "originName" : "...",
      "code" : "...",
      "previousState" : "...",
      "currentState" : "...",
      "description" : "...",
      "created" : "...",
      "updatedCode" : "...",
      "actor" : "..."
    }, {
      "entityClass" : "...",
      "fieldName" : "...",
      "id" : 12345,
      "changeOrigin" : "...",
      "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ],
      "originName" : "...",
      "code" : "...",
      "previousState" : "...",
      "currentState" : "...",
      "description" : "...",
      "created" : "...",
      "updatedCode" : "...",
      "actor" : "..."
    } ],
    "id" : 12345,
    "dueDate" : 12345,
    "type" : "...",
    "transactionDate" : 12345,
    "transactionCategory" : "CREDIT",
    "reference" : "...",
    "accountingCode" : "...",
    "amount" : 12345.0,
    "amountWithoutTax" : 12345.0,
    "taxAmount" : 12345.0,
    "matchingAmount" : 12345.0,
    "unMatchingAmount" : 12345.0,
    "matchingStatus" : "L",
    "code" : "...",
    "description" : "...",
    "customerAccount" : "...",
    "excludedFromDunning" : true,
    "orderNumber" : "...",
    "matchingAmounts" : {
      "matchingAmount" : [ { }, { } ]
    "otherCreditAndCharge" : { },
    "recordedInvoice" : {
      "productionDate" : 12345,
      "invoiceDate" : 12345,
      "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ],
      "netToPay" : 12345.0,
      "id" : 12345,
      "dueDate" : 12345,
      "type" : "...",
      "transactionDate" : 12345,
      "transactionCategory" : "CREDIT",
      "reference" : "...",
      "accountingCode" : "...",
      "amount" : 12345.0,
      "amountWithoutTax" : 12345.0,
      "taxAmount" : 12345.0,
      "matchingAmount" : 12345.0,
      "unMatchingAmount" : 12345.0,
      "matchingStatus" : "O",
      "code" : "...",
      "description" : "...",
      "customerAccount" : "...",
      "excludedFromDunning" : true,
      "orderNumber" : "...",
      "matchingAmounts" : { },
      "otherCreditAndCharge" : { },
      "recordedInvoice" : { },
      "rejectedPayment" : { },
      "bankLot" : "...",
      "bankReference" : "...",
      "bankCollectionDate" : 12345,
      "depositDate" : 12345,
      "paymentMethod" : "...",
      "customFields" : { },
      "paymentInfo" : "...",
      "paymentInfo1" : "...",
      "paymentInfo2" : "...",
      "paymentInfo3" : "...",
      "paymentInfo4" : "...",
      "paymentInfo5" : "...",
      "paymentInfo6" : "...",
      "billingAccountName" : "...",
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      "collectionDate" : 12345,
      "journalCode" : "...",
      "status" : "EXPORT_FAILED",
      "reason" : "CLOSED_PERIOD",
      "accountingExportFile" : "...",
      "accountingDate" : 12345
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      "rejectedType" : "M",
      "rejectedDate" : 12345,
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      "rejectedDescription" : "...",
      "rejectedCode" : "...",
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      "type" : "...",
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      "unMatchingAmount" : 12345.0,
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      "code" : "...",
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      "orderNumber" : "...",
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      "otherCreditAndCharge" : { },
      "recordedInvoice" : { },
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      "bankReference" : "...",
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      "depositDate" : 12345,
      "paymentMethod" : "...",
      "customFields" : { },
      "paymentInfo" : "...",
      "paymentInfo1" : "...",
      "paymentInfo2" : "...",
      "paymentInfo3" : "...",
      "paymentInfo4" : "...",
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      "collectionDate" : 12345,
      "journalCode" : "...",
      "status" : "POSTED",
      "reason" : "CLOSED_PERIOD",
      "accountingExportFile" : "...",
      "accountingDate" : 12345
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    "bankReference" : "...",
    "bankCollectionDate" : 12345,
    "depositDate" : 12345,
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    "customFields" : {
      "customField" : [ { }, { } ],
      "inheritedCustomField" : [ { }, { } ]
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    "paymentInfo2" : "...",
    "paymentInfo3" : "...",
    "paymentInfo4" : "...",
    "paymentInfo5" : "...",
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      "sellerCode" : "...",
      "customerAccountName" : "...",
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      "asyncStatus" : "PENDING",
      "status" : "NOT_PROCESSED",
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      "errorType" : "ERROR",
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    } ],
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    "reason" : "FORCED",
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    "accountingDate" : 12345
  "recordedInvoice" : {
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      "fieldName" : "...",
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    "reference" : "...",
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      "journalCode" : "...",
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      "reason" : "FORCED",
      "accountingExportFile" : "...",
      "accountingDate" : 12345
    "rejectedPayment" : { },
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    "paymentMethod" : "...",
    "customFields" : {
      "customField" : [ { }, { } ],
      "inheritedCustomField" : [ { }, { } ]
    "paymentInfo" : "...",
    "paymentInfo1" : "...",
    "paymentInfo2" : "...",
    "paymentInfo3" : "...",
    "paymentInfo4" : "...",
    "paymentInfo5" : "...",
    "paymentInfo6" : "...",
    "billingAccountName" : "...",
    "paymentHistory" : [ {
      "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ],
      "customerAccountCode" : "...",
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