OtherTransaction Data Type

Implemented Interfaces
ICustomFieldEntity, Serializable
name data type description
paymentInfo3 string
paymentInfo4 string
occCode string
paymentInfo2 string
matchingStatus MatchingStatusEnum
code string
accountingCode AccountingCode
auditable Auditable
dueDate number
bankReference string
paymentInfo1 string
type string
generalLedger GeneralLedger
description string
depositDate number
bankLot string
occDescription string
bankCollectionDate number
id number
parentCFEntities array of ICustomFieldEntity
paymentMethod PaymentMethodEnum
orderNumber string
matchingAmount number
paymentInfo7 string
paymentInfo6 string
amountWithoutTax number
notified boolean
taxAmount number
reference string
amount number
unMatchingAmount number
cfValues CustomFieldValues
auditableFields array of AuditableFieldHistory
transient boolean
paymentInfo string
billingAccountName string
transactionDate number
uuid string
paymentVentilation PaymentVentilation
version number
paymentInfo5 string
transactionCategory OperationCategoryEnum
paymentVentilations array of PaymentVentilation
cfAccumulatedValues CustomFieldValues
historized boolean


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