name | data type | description |
maxAllowedReceivableAmount | number | |
installmentAmountRounding | number | |
defaultBlockPayments | boolean | |
defaultFeePerInstallmentPlan | number | |
splitEvenly | boolean | |
actionOnRemainingAmount | ActionOnRemainingAmountEnum | |
defaultInterestRate | number | |
maxPaymentPlanDuration | number | |
addInstallmentFee | boolean | |
allowedCreditCategories | array of CreditCategory | |
defaultRecurrenceUnit | RecurrenceUnitEnum | |
minAllowedReceivableAmount | number | |
minInstallmentAmount | number | |
theresHoldForApproval | number | |
addInterestRate | boolean | |
defaultInstallmentCount | number | |
allowedPaymentMethods | array of PaymentMethodEnum | |
requireInternalApproval | boolean | |
allowCustomInstallmentPlan | boolean | |
dunningDefaultPauseReason | DunningPauseReason | |
clearingPriority | ClearingPriorityEnum | |
defaultStartingDateOfPlan | DefaultStartingDateOfPlan |
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