PaymentScheduleInstance Data Type

Implemented Interfaces
ICustomFieldEntity, IReferenceEntity, Serializable
name data type constraints description
parentCFEntities array of ICustomFieldEntity  
auditableFields array of AuditableFieldHistory  
serviceInstance ServiceInstance  
active boolean  
status PaymentScheduleStatusEnum  
calendar Calendar  
cfAccumulatedValues CustomFieldValues  
referenceDescription string  
paymentScheduleInstanceItems array of PaymentScheduleInstanceItem  
id number  
paymentScheduleTemplate PaymentScheduleTemplate  
historized boolean  
descriptionOrCode string  
referenceCode string  
version number  
startDate number  
auditable Auditable  
code string required, max size: 255, min size: 1
uuid string  
cfValues CustomFieldValues  
disabled boolean  
statusDate number  
parentEntity BusinessEntity  
transient boolean  
parentEntityType object  
endDate number  
paymentDayInMonth number  
amount number  
appendGeneratedCode boolean  
notified boolean  
descriptionAndCode string  
codeChanged boolean  
description string max size: 255, min size: 0


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