The Class SellerDto.
name | data type | constraints | description |
id | number | The id. | |
auditableField | array of AuditableFieldDto | ||
code | string | required | The code |
currencyCode | string | The currency code. | |
description | string | The description | |
countryCode | string | The country code. | |
languageCode | string | The language code. | |
parentSeller | string | The parent seller. | |
updatedCode | string | The updated code. | |
customers | CustomersDto | The customers. | |
customFields | CustomFieldsDto | The custom fields. | |
invoiceTypeSequences | map of SequenceDto | The invoice type sequences. | |
businessAccountModel | BusinessEntityDto | The business account model. | |
contactInformation | ContactInformationDto | The contact information. | |
address | AddressDto | The address. | |
vatNo | string | The seller VAT No | |
registrationNo | string | The seller registration No | |
legalText | string | A legal text for the seller | |
legalType | string | The legal type of the seller |
{ "id" : 12345, "auditableField" : [ { "entityClass" : "...", "fieldName" : "...", "id" : 12345, "changeOrigin" : "...", "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ], "originName" : "...", "code" : "...", "previousState" : "...", "currentState" : "...", "description" : "...", "created" : "...", "updatedCode" : "...", "actor" : "..." }, { "entityClass" : "...", "fieldName" : "...", "id" : 12345, "changeOrigin" : "...", "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ], "originName" : "...", "code" : "...", "previousState" : "...", "currentState" : "...", "description" : "...", "created" : "...", "updatedCode" : "...", "actor" : "..." } ], "code" : "...", "currencyCode" : "...", "description" : "...", "countryCode" : "...", "languageCode" : "...", "parentSeller" : "...", "updatedCode" : "...", "customers" : { "customer" : [ { "id" : 12345, "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ], "externalRef1" : "...", "code" : "...", "externalRef2" : "...", "description" : "...", "customerCategory" : "...", "name" : { }, "address" : { }, "updatedCode" : "...", "customerBrand" : "...", "jobTitle" : "...", "seller" : "...", "businessAccountModel" : { }, "mandateIdentification" : "...", "customFields" : { }, "mandateDate" : 12345, "customerAccounts" : { }, "vatNo" : "...", "additionalDetails" : { }, "registrationNo" : "...", "contactInformation" : { }, "invoicingThreshold" : 12345.0, "minimumAmountEl" : "...", "checkThreshold" : "BEFORE_DISCOUNT", "minimumLabelEl" : "...", "thresholdPerEntity" : true, "minimumTargetAccount" : "...", "anonymizationDate" : 12345, "infoGdpr" : [ { }, { } ], "minimumAmountElSpark" : "...", "minimumLabelElSpark" : "...", "minimumChargeTemplate" : "...", "isCompany" : true, "legalEntityType" : { } }, { "id" : 12345, "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ], "externalRef1" : "...", "code" : "...", "externalRef2" : "...", "description" : "...", "customerCategory" : "...", "name" : { }, "address" : { }, "updatedCode" : "...", "customerBrand" : "...", "jobTitle" : "...", "seller" : "...", "businessAccountModel" : { }, "mandateIdentification" : "...", "customFields" : { }, "mandateDate" : 12345, "customerAccounts" : { }, "vatNo" : "...", "additionalDetails" : { }, "registrationNo" : "...", "contactInformation" : { }, "invoicingThreshold" : 12345.0, "minimumAmountEl" : "...", "checkThreshold" : "POSITIVE_IL", "minimumLabelEl" : "...", "thresholdPerEntity" : true, "minimumTargetAccount" : "...", "anonymizationDate" : 12345, "infoGdpr" : [ { }, { } ], "minimumAmountElSpark" : "...", "minimumLabelElSpark" : "...", "minimumChargeTemplate" : "...", "isCompany" : true, "legalEntityType" : { } } ], "totalNumberOfRecords" : 12345 }, "customFields" : { "customField" : [ { "code" : "...", "description" : "...", "fieldType" : "LIST", "languageDescriptions" : [ { }, { } ], "valueDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodStartDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodEndDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodPriority" : 12345, "stringValue" : "...", "dateValue" : 12345, "longValue" : 12345, "doubleValue" : 12345.0, "booleanValue" : true, "value" : [ { }, { } ], "mapValue" : { "property1" : { }, "property2" : { } }, "entityReferenceValue" : { }, "indexType" : "STORE_ONLY", "fileValue" : "...", "formattedValue" : { }, "urlReferenceValue" : { }, "guiPosition" : "...", "customTableCode" : "...", "dataFilter" : "...", "fields" : "..." }, { "code" : "...", "description" : "...", "fieldType" : "ENTITY", "languageDescriptions" : [ { }, { } ], "valueDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodStartDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodEndDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodPriority" : 12345, "stringValue" : "...", "dateValue" : 12345, "longValue" : 12345, "doubleValue" : 12345.0, "booleanValue" : true, "value" : [ { }, { } ], "mapValue" : { "property1" : { }, "property2" : { } }, "entityReferenceValue" : { }, "indexType" : "INDEX_NOT_ANALYZE", "fileValue" : "...", "formattedValue" : { }, "urlReferenceValue" : { }, "guiPosition" : "...", "customTableCode" : "...", "dataFilter" : "...", "fields" : "..." } ], "inheritedCustomField" : [ { "code" : "...", "description" : "...", "fieldType" : "URL", "languageDescriptions" : [ { }, { } ], "valueDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodStartDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodEndDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodPriority" : 12345, "stringValue" : "...", "dateValue" : 12345, "longValue" : 12345, "doubleValue" : 12345.0, "booleanValue" : true, "value" : [ { }, { } ], "mapValue" : { "property1" : { }, "property2" : { } }, "entityReferenceValue" : { }, "indexType" : "STORE_ONLY", "fileValue" : "...", "formattedValue" : { }, "urlReferenceValue" : { }, "guiPosition" : "...", "customTableCode" : "...", "dataFilter" : "...", "fields" : "..." }, { "code" : "...", "description" : "...", "fieldType" : "CHECKBOX_LIST", "languageDescriptions" : [ { }, { } ], "valueDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodStartDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodEndDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodPriority" : 12345, "stringValue" : "...", "dateValue" : 12345, "longValue" : 12345, "doubleValue" : 12345.0, "booleanValue" : true, "value" : [ { }, { } ], "mapValue" : { "property1" : { }, "property2" : { } }, "entityReferenceValue" : { }, "indexType" : "STORE_ONLY", "fileValue" : "...", "formattedValue" : { }, "urlReferenceValue" : { }, "guiPosition" : "...", "customTableCode" : "...", "dataFilter" : "...", "fields" : "..." } ] }, "invoiceTypeSequences" : { "property1" : { "prefixEL" : "...", "invoiceSequenceCode" : "...", "sequencePattern" : "...", "sequenceType" : "ALPHA_UP" }, "property2" : { "prefixEL" : "...", "invoiceSequenceCode" : "...", "sequencePattern" : "...", "sequenceType" : "SEQUENCE" } }, "businessAccountModel" : { "id" : 12345, "auditableField" : [ { "entityClass" : "...", "fieldName" : "...", "id" : 12345, "changeOrigin" : "...", "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ], "originName" : "...", "code" : "...", "previousState" : "...", "currentState" : "...", "description" : "...", "created" : "...", "updatedCode" : "...", "actor" : "..." }, { "entityClass" : "...", "fieldName" : "...", "id" : 12345, "changeOrigin" : "...", "auditableField" : [ 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