The Class SubscriptionRenewalDto.
name | data type | description |
initialTermType | InitialTermTypeEnum | |
renewalTermType | RenewalTermTypeEnum | |
initialyActiveFor | number | The initial period for which the subscription will be active - value. |
initialyActiveForUnit | RenewalPeriodUnitEnum | The initial period for which the subscription will be active - unit. |
calendarInitialyActiveFor | CalendarDto | |
autoRenew | boolean | Should subscription be renewed automatically. |
daysNotifyRenewal | number | Number of days before the end of term to trigger notification event. |
endOfTermAction | EndOfTermActionEnum | Whether the Subscription should be suspended or terminated if not renewed. |
terminationReasonCode | string | TerminationReason used when terminating subscription if endOfTermAction is to terminate. |
renewFor | number | The period to renew subscription for - value. |
calendarRenewFor | CalendarDto | |
renewForUnit | RenewalPeriodUnitEnum | The period to renew subscription for - units. |
extendAgreementPeriodToSubscribedTillDate | boolean | Whether end of agreement date should be matched to the active till date. |
{ "initialTermType" : "RECURRING", "renewalTermType" : "RECURRING", "initialyActiveFor" : 12345, "initialyActiveForUnit" : "DAY", "calendarInitialyActiveFor" : { "id" : 12345, "auditableField" : [ { "entityClass" : "...", "fieldName" : "...", "id" : 12345, "changeOrigin" : "...", "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ], "originName" : "...", "code" : "...", "previousState" : "...", "currentState" : "...", "description" : "...", "created" : "...", "updatedCode" : "...", "actor" : "..." }, { "entityClass" : "...", "fieldName" : "...", "id" : 12345, "changeOrigin" : "...", "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ], "originName" : "...", "code" : "...", "previousState" : "...", "currentState" : "...", "description" : "...", "created" : "...", "updatedCode" : "...", "actor" : "..." } ], "code" : "...", "description" : "...", "updatedCode" : "...", "calendarType" : "DAILY", "fixedDates" : [ "...", "..." ], "days" : [ { "day" : 12345, "month" : "NOVEMBER" }, { "day" : 12345, "month" : "MAY" } ], "hours" : [ { "hour" : 12345, "min" : 12345 }, { "hour" : 12345, "min" : 12345 } ], "periodLength" : 12345, "periodUnit" : "DAY_OF_MONTH", "nbPeriods" : 12345, "joinCalendar1Code" : "...", "joinCalendar2Code" : "...", "intervalType" : "HOUR", "intervals" : [ { "intervalBegin" : 12345, "intervalEnd" : 12345 }, { "intervalBegin" : 12345, "intervalEnd" : 12345 } ], "weekendBegin" : 12345, "weekendEnd" : 12345, "endDate" : 12345, "startDate" : 12345, "initDateEL" : "...", "holidays" : [ { "holidayBegin" : 12345, "holidayEnd" : 12345 }, { "holidayBegin" : 12345, "holidayEnd" : 12345 } ], "languageDescriptions" : [ { "languageCode" : "...", "description" : "..." }, { "languageCode" : "...", "description" : "..." } ] }, "autoRenew" : true, "daysNotifyRenewal" : 12345, "endOfTermAction" : "TERMINATE", "terminationReasonCode" : "...", "renewFor" : 12345, "calendarRenewFor" : { "id" : 12345, "auditableField" : [ { "entityClass" : "...", "fieldName" : "...", "id" : 12345, "changeOrigin" : "...", "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ], "originName" : "...", "code" : "...", "previousState" : "...", "currentState" : "...", "description" : "...", "created" : "...", "updatedCode" : "...", "actor" : "..." }, { "entityClass" : "...", "fieldName" : "...", "id" : 12345, "changeOrigin" : "...", "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ], "originName" : "...", "code" : "...", "previousState" : "...", "currentState" : "...", "description" : "...", "created" : "...", "updatedCode" : "...", "actor" : "..." } ], "code" : "...", "description" : "...", "updatedCode" : "...", "calendarType" : "BANKING", "fixedDates" : [ "...", "..." ], "days" : [ { "day" : 12345, "month" : "SEPTEMBER" }, { "day" : 12345, "month" : "JULY" } ], "hours" : [ { "hour" : 12345, "min" : 12345 }, { "hour" : 12345, "min" : 12345 } ], "periodLength" : 12345, "periodUnit" : "SECOND", "nbPeriods" : 12345, "joinCalendar1Code" : "...", "joinCalendar2Code" : "...", "intervalType" : "WDAY", "intervals" : [ { "intervalBegin" : 12345, "intervalEnd" : 12345 }, { "intervalBegin" : 12345, "intervalEnd" : 12345 } ], "weekendBegin" : 12345, "weekendEnd" : 12345, "endDate" : 12345, "startDate" : 12345, "initDateEL" : "...", "holidays" : [ { "holidayBegin" : 12345, "holidayEnd" : 12345 }, { "holidayBegin" : 12345, "holidayEnd" : 12345 } ], "languageDescriptions" : [ { "languageCode" : "...", "description" : "..." }, { "languageCode" : "...", "description" : "..." } ] }, "renewForUnit" : "DAY", "extendAgreementPeriodToSubscribedTillDate" : true }