name | data type | constraints | description |
ratedTransactions | array of RatedTransaction | ||
walletTemplate | WalletTemplate | ||
prepaid | boolean | ||
id | number | ||
referenceCode | string | ||
creditExpiryDate | number | ||
userAccount | UserAccount | ||
historized | boolean | ||
code | string | required, max size: 255, min size: 1 | |
descriptionOrCode | string | ||
transient | boolean | ||
auditable | Auditable | ||
parentEntity | BusinessEntity | ||
notified | boolean | ||
created | number | ||
auditableFields | array of AuditableFieldHistory | ||
parentEntityType | object | ||
rejectLevel | number | ||
codeChanged | boolean | ||
lowBalanceLevel | number | ||
version | number | ||
nextMatchingDate | number | ||
operations | array of WalletOperation | ||
referenceDescription | string | ||
description | string | max size: 255, min size: 0 | |
appendGeneratedCode | boolean | ||
descriptionAndCode | string |
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