The Class CreateInvoiceResponseDto.
name | data type | description |
invoiceId | number | The invoice id. |
actionStatus | ActionStatus | The status response of the web service response. |
invoiceNumber | string | The invoice number. |
invoiceDate | number | The invoice date. |
dueDate | number | The due date. |
amountWithoutTax | number | The amount without tax. |
amountTax | number | The amount tax. |
amountWithTax | number | The amount with tax. |
netToPay | number | The net to pay. |
xmlFilename | string | The xml filename. |
xmlInvoice | string | The xml invoice. |
pdfFilename | string | The pdf filename. |
pdfInvoice | string | The pdf invoice. |
sentByEmail | boolean | Indicate whether the invoice is sent by Email or no |
{ "invoiceId" : 12345, "actionStatus" : { "status" : "WARNING", "errorCode" : { }, "message" : "...", "entityId" : 12345, "entityCode" : "...", "nrAffected" : 12345, "json" : "..." }, "invoiceNumber" : "...", "invoiceDate" : 12345, "dueDate" : 12345, "amountWithoutTax" : 12345.0, "amountTax" : 12345.0, "amountWithTax" : 12345.0, "netToPay" : 12345.0, "xmlFilename" : "...", "xmlInvoice" : "...", "pdfFilename" : "...", "pdfInvoice" : "...", "sentByEmail" : true }