Contains information about job execution status and history once job is completed.
name | data type | description |
id | number | Job execution result identifier. |
jobInstanceId | number | Job instance identifier. |
runningOnNodes | string | Nodes that job is CURRENTLY running. |
startDate | number | Job start date. |
endDate | number | Job end date. |
nbItemsToProcess | number | Number of items to process. |
nbItemsCorrectlyProcessed | number | Number of items that were processed correctly. |
nbItemsProcessedWithWarning | number | Number of items that were processed with warning. |
nbItemsProcessedWithError | number | Number of items that were not processed due to some error. |
status | JobExecutionResultStatusEnum | Job execution status |
report | string | Jon execution report/summary. |
jobInstanceCode | string | JobInstance code. |
{ "id" : 12345, "jobInstanceId" : 12345, "runningOnNodes" : "...", "startDate" : 12345, "endDate" : 12345, "nbItemsToProcess" : 12345, "nbItemsCorrectlyProcessed" : 12345, "nbItemsProcessedWithWarning" : 12345, "nbItemsProcessedWithError" : 12345, "status" : "COMPLETED_MORE", "report" : "...", "jobInstanceCode" : "..." }