PayByCardDto Data Type

The Class PayByCardDto.

Implemented Interfaces
name data type description
customerAccountCode string The customer account code.
ctsAmount number The cts amount.
cardNumber string The card number.
ownerName string The owner name.
cvv string The cvv.
expiryDate string The expiry date.
cardType CreditCardTypeEnum The card type.
aoToPay array of number The ao to pay.
comment string The comment.
createAO boolean The create AO.
toMatch boolean The to match.


  "customerAccountCode" : "...",
  "ctsAmount" : 12345,
  "cardNumber" : "...",
  "ownerName" : "...",
  "cvv" : "...",
  "expiryDate" : "...",
  "cardType" : "MASTERCARD",
  "aoToPay" : [ 12345, 12345 ],
  "comment" : "...",
  "createAO" : true,
  "toMatch" : true