PaymentHostedCheckoutResponseDto Data Type

The Class PaymentGatewayResponseDto.

name data type description
result Result The urlPaymentHostedCheckout.
status ActionStatusEnum Tells whether the instance of this ActionStatus object ok or not.
errorCode object An error code.
message string A detailed error message if applicable, can contain the entity id that was created.
entityId number The entity identifier
entityCode string The entity code
nrAffected number Number of items/records affected by the action
json string


  "result" : {
    "id" : "...",
    "hostedCheckoutUrl" : "...",
    "hostedCheckoutVersion" : "...",
    "ca" : "...",
    "returnUrl" : "...",
    "data" : "...",
    "seal" : "..."
  "status" : "FAIL",
  "errorCode" : { },
  "message" : "...",
  "entityId" : 12345,
  "entityCode" : "...",
  "nrAffected" : 12345,
  "json" : "..."