DTO for PricePlanMatrix.
name | data type | constraints | description |
disabled | boolean | Is entity disabled. Value is ignored in Update action - use enable/disable API instead. | |
id | number | The id. | |
auditableField | array of AuditableFieldDto | ||
code | string | required | The code |
eventCode | string | The event code. | |
description | string | The description | |
seller | string | The seller. | |
country | string | The country. | |
updatedCode | string | The updated code. | |
currency | string | The currency. | |
minQuantity | number | The min quantity. | |
maxQuantity | number | The max quantity. | |
offerTemplate | string | The offer template. | |
offerTemplateVersion | OfferTemplateDto | The offer template version. | |
startSubscriptionDate | number | The start subscription date. | |
endSubscriptionDate | number | The end subscription date. | |
startRatingDate | number | The start rating date. | |
endRatingDate | number | The end rating date. | |
minSubscriptionAgeInMonth | number | The min subscription age in month. | |
maxSubscriptionAgeInMonth | number | The max subscription age in month. | |
amountWithoutTax | number | The amount without tax. | |
amountWithTax | number | The amount with tax. | |
amountWithoutTaxEL | string | The amount without tax EL. | |
amountWithTaxEL | string | The amount with tax EL. | |
minimumAmountWithoutTaxEl | string | The minimum amount without tax el. | |
minimumAmountWithTaxEl | string | The minimum amount with tax el. | |
priority | number | The priority. | |
criteria1 | string | The criteria 1. | |
criteria2 | string | The criteria 2. | |
criteria3 | string | The criteria 3. | |
criteriaEL | string | The criteria EL. | |
validityCalendarCode | string | The validity calendar code. | |
scriptInstance | string | The script instance. | |
customFields | CustomFieldsDto | The custom fields. | |
languageDescriptions | array of LanguageDescriptionDto | The language descriptions. | |
woDescriptionEL | string | The wo description EL. | |
ratingWithTaxEL | string | max size: 2000, min size: 0 | Expression to calculate price with tax. |
ratingWithoutTaxEL | string | max size: 2000, min size: 0 | Expression to calculate price without tax |
versions | array of PricePlanMatrixVersionDto | ||
invoiceSubCategoryEL | string | Expression for getting the InvoiceSubCategory. | |
totalAmountEL | string | Expression to calculate price with/without tax. It overrides quantity x unitPrice when set. | |
minimumAmountEL | string | Minimum allowed amount for a walletOperation. If this amount is less than the walletOperation this amount is save and the old value is save in rawAmount. | |
parameter1El | string | An El expression used to override wallet operation's parameter1El. | |
parameter2El | string | An El expression used to override wallet operation's parameter2El. | |
parameter3El | string | An El expression used to override wallet operation's parameter3El. |
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"changeOrigin" : "...", "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ], "originName" : "...", "code" : "...", "previousState" : "...", "currentState" : "...", "description" : "...", "created" : "...", "updatedCode" : "...", "actor" : "..." }, { "entityClass" : "...", "fieldName" : "...", "id" : 12345, "changeOrigin" : "...", "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ], "originName" : "...", "code" : "...", "previousState" : "...", "currentState" : "...", "description" : "...", "created" : "...", "updatedCode" : "...", "actor" : "..." } ], "code" : "...", "description" : "...", "bomCode" : "...", "updatedCode" : "...", "validFrom" : 12345, "validTo" : 12345, "offerServiceTemplate" : [ { "serviceTemplate" : { }, "mandatory" : true, "incompatibleServiceTemplate" : [ { }, { } ] }, { "serviceTemplate" : { }, "mandatory" : true, "incompatibleServiceTemplate" : [ { }, { } ] } ], "newValidFrom" : 12345, "newValidTo" : 12345, "name" : "...", "offerTemplateCategory" : [ { "disabled" : true, "name" : "...", "id" : 12345, 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"defaultDuration" : 12345, "durationUnit" : "MONTH", "customFields" : { }, "discountPlanItem" : [ { }, { } ], "expressionEl" : "...", "discountPlanType" : "PROMO_CODE", "status" : "DRAFT", "statusDate" : 12345, "initialQuantity" : 12345, "usedQuantity" : 12345, "applicationLimit" : 12345, "applicationFilterEL" : "...", "incompatibleDiscountPlans" : [ { }, { } ], "applicableEntities" : [ { }, { } ], "applicableOnOverriddenPrice" : true, "sequence" : 12345, "applicableOnDiscountedPrice" : true } ], "modelCode" : "...", "lifeCycleStatus" : "LAUNCHED", "offerAttributes" : [ { "sequence" : 12345, "mandatoryWithEl" : "...", "attributeCode" : "...", "display" : true, "readOnly" : true, "defaultValue" : "...", "validationType" : "EL", "validationPattern" : "...", "validationLabel" : "...", "mandatory" : true, "ruled" : true, "commercialRuleCodes" : [ "...", "..." ], "assignedValue" : { }, "selectable" : true }, { "sequence" : 12345, "mandatoryWithEl" : "...", "attributeCode" : "...", "display" 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"MONTH", "extendAgreementPeriodToSubscribedTillDate" : true }, "minimumAmountEl" : "...", "minimumLabelEl" : "...", "minimumInvoiceSubCategory" : "...", "autoEndOfEngagement" : true, "minimumChargeTemplate" : "...", "tagCodes" : [ "...", "..." ], "statusDate" : 12345, "isModel" : true, "offerModelCode" : "...", "generateQuoteEdrPerProduct" : true }, "startSubscriptionDate" : 12345, "endSubscriptionDate" : 12345, "startRatingDate" : 12345, "endRatingDate" : 12345, "minSubscriptionAgeInMonth" : 12345, "maxSubscriptionAgeInMonth" : 12345, "amountWithoutTax" : 12345.0, "amountWithTax" : 12345.0, "amountWithoutTaxEL" : "...", "amountWithTaxEL" : "...", "minimumAmountWithoutTaxEl" : "...", "minimumAmountWithTaxEl" : "...", "priority" : 12345, "criteria1" : "...", "criteria2" : "...", "criteria3" : "...", "criteriaEL" : "...", "validityCalendarCode" : "...", "scriptInstance" : "...", "customFields" : { "customField" : [ { "code" : "...", "description" : "...", "fieldType" : "MULTI_VALUE", 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: 12345, "toMatch" : 12345 }, "isMatrix" : true, "price" : 12345.0, "priceEL" : "...", "priority" : 12345, "priceVersionType" : "PERCENTAGE", "columns" : [ { "code" : "...", "pricePlanMatrixCode" : "...", "pricePlanMatrixVersion" : 12345, "productCode" : "...", "offerTemplateCode" : "...", "attributeCode" : "...", "position" : 12345, "type" : "Boolean", "elValue" : "...", "isRange" : true }, { "code" : "...", "pricePlanMatrixCode" : "...", "pricePlanMatrixVersion" : 12345, "productCode" : "...", "offerTemplateCode" : "...", "attributeCode" : "...", "position" : 12345, "type" : "Range_Date", "elValue" : "...", "isRange" : true } ], "lines" : [ { "ppmLineId" : 12345, "value" : 12345.0, "pricePlanMatrixCode" : "...", "pricePlanMatrixVersion" : 12345, "description" : "...", "pricePlanMatrixValues" : [ { }, { } ], "priority" : 12345, "priceEL" : "...", "valueEL" : "..." }, { "ppmLineId" : 12345, "value" : 12345.0, "pricePlanMatrixCode" : "...", "pricePlanMatrixVersion" : 12345, 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