The Class BillingRunDto.
name | data type | description |
auditableField | array of AuditableFieldDto | |
processDate | number | The process date. |
status | BillingRunStatusEnum | The status. |
statusDate | number | The status date. |
billingCycle | BillingCycleDto | The billing cycle. |
billingAccountNumber | number | The billing account number. |
billableBillingAcountNumber | number | The billable billing acount number. |
producibleInvoiceNumber | number | The producible invoice number. |
producibleAmountWithoutTax | number | The producible amount without tax. |
producibleAmountTax | number | The producible amount tax. |
InvoiceNumber | number | The Invoice number. |
producibleAmountWithTax | number | The producible amount with tax. |
prAmountWithoutTax | number | The pr amount without tax. |
prAmountWithTax | number | The pr amount with tax. |
prAmountTax | number | The pr amount tax. |
processType | BillingProcessTypesEnum | The process type. |
startDate | number | The start date. |
endDate | number | The end date. |
invoiceDate | number | The invoice date. |
lastTransactionDate | number | Include in invoice Rated transactions up to that date |
referenceDate | ReferenceDateEnum | The reference date. |
rejectionReason | string | The rejection reason. |
currencyCode | string | The currency code. |
countryCode | string | The country code. |
languageCode | string | The language code. |
selectedBillingAccounts | string | The selected billing accounts. |
customFields | CustomFieldsDto | Custom fields. |
collectionDate | number | EL to compute invoice.initialCollectionDate delay. |
computeDatesAtValidation | boolean | To decide whether or not dates should be recomputed at invoice validation. |
generateAO | boolean | To decide whether or not generate AO. |
skipValidationScript | boolean | |
rejectAutoAction | BillingRunAutomaticActionEnum | |
suspectAutoAction | BillingRunAutomaticActionEnum |
{ "auditableField" : [ { "entityClass" : "...", "fieldName" : "...", "id" : 12345, "changeOrigin" : "...", "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ], "originName" : "...", "code" : "...", "previousState" : "...", "currentState" : "...", "description" : "...", "created" : "...", "updatedCode" : "...", "actor" : "..." }, { "entityClass" : "...", "fieldName" : "...", "id" : 12345, "changeOrigin" : "...", "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ], "originName" : "...", "code" : "...", "previousState" : "...", "currentState" : "...", "description" : "...", "created" : "...", "updatedCode" : "...", "actor" : "..." } ], "processDate" : 12345, "status" : "PREVALIDATED", "statusDate" : 12345, "billingCycle" : { "id" : 12345, "auditableField" : [ { "entityClass" : "...", "fieldName" : "...", "id" : 12345, "changeOrigin" : "...", "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ], "originName" : "...", "code" : "...", "previousState" : "...", "currentState" : "...", "description" : "...", "created" : "...", "updatedCode" : "...", "actor" : "..." }, { "entityClass" : "...", "fieldName" : "...", "id" : 12345, "changeOrigin" : "...", "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ], "originName" : "...", "code" : "...", "previousState" : "...", "currentState" : "...", "description" : "...", "created" : "...", "updatedCode" : "...", "actor" : "..." } ], "code" : "...", "description" : "...", "billingTemplateNameEL" : "...", "updatedCode" : "...", "invoiceDateDelayEL" : "...", "dueDateDelayEL" : "...", "invoiceDateProductionDelayEL" : "...", "lastTransactionDateDelayEL" : "...", "lastTransactionDateEL" : "...", "calendar" : "...", "invoicingThreshold" : 12345.0, "splitPerPaymentMethod" : true, "invoiceTypeCode" : "...", "invoiceTypeEl" : "...", "customFields" : { "customField" : [ { }, { } ], "inheritedCustomField" : [ { }, { } ] }, "type" : "SUBSCRIPTION", "referenceDate" : "LAST_TRANSACTION_DATE", "scriptInstanceCode" : "...", "checkThreshold" : "POSITIVE_IL", "collectionDateDelayEl" : "...", "computeDatesAtValidation" : true, "thresholdPerEntity" : true, "billingRunValidationScriptCode" : "...", "languageDescriptions" : [ { "languageCode" : "...", "description" : "..." }, { "languageCode" : "...", "description" : "..." } ] }, "billingAccountNumber" : 12345, "billableBillingAcountNumber" : 12345, "producibleInvoiceNumber" : 12345, "producibleAmountWithoutTax" : 12345.0, "producibleAmountTax" : 12345.0, "InvoiceNumber" : 12345, "producibleAmountWithTax" : 12345.0, "prAmountWithoutTax" : 12345.0, "prAmountWithTax" : 12345.0, "prAmountTax" : 12345.0, "processType" : "FULL_AUTOMATIC", "startDate" : 12345, "endDate" : 12345, "invoiceDate" : 12345, "lastTransactionDate" : 12345, "referenceDate" : "NEXT_INVOICE_DATE", "rejectionReason" : "...", "currencyCode" : "...", "countryCode" : "...", "languageCode" : "...", "selectedBillingAccounts" : "...", "customFields" : { "customField" : [ { "code" : "...", "description" : "...", "fieldType" : "URL", "languageDescriptions" : [ { }, { } ], "valueDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodStartDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodEndDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodPriority" : 12345, "stringValue" : "...", "dateValue" : 12345, "longValue" : 12345, "doubleValue" : 12345.0, "booleanValue" : true, "value" : [ { }, { } ], "mapValue" : { "property1" : { }, "property2" : { } }, "entityReferenceValue" : { }, "indexType" : "INDEX_NOT_ANALYZE", "fileValue" : "...", "formattedValue" : { }, "urlReferenceValue" : { }, "guiPosition" : "...", "customTableCode" : "...", "dataFilter" : "...", "fields" : "..." }, { "code" : "...", "description" : "...", "fieldType" : "BOOLEAN", "languageDescriptions" : [ { }, { } ], "valueDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodStartDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodEndDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodPriority" : 12345, "stringValue" : "...", "dateValue" : 12345, "longValue" : 12345, "doubleValue" : 12345.0, "booleanValue" : true, "value" : [ { }, { } ], "mapValue" : { "property1" : { }, "property2" : { } }, "entityReferenceValue" : { }, "indexType" : "INDEX", "fileValue" : "...", "formattedValue" : { }, "urlReferenceValue" : { }, "guiPosition" : "...", "customTableCode" : "...", "dataFilter" : "...", "fields" : "..." } ], "inheritedCustomField" : [ { "code" : "...", "description" : "...", "fieldType" : "ENTITY", "languageDescriptions" : [ { }, { } ], "valueDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodStartDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodEndDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodPriority" : 12345, "stringValue" : "...", "dateValue" : 12345, "longValue" : 12345, "doubleValue" : 12345.0, "booleanValue" : true, "value" : [ { }, { } ], "mapValue" : { "property1" : { }, "property2" : { } }, "entityReferenceValue" : { }, "indexType" : "INDEX_NOT_ANALYZE", "fileValue" : "...", "formattedValue" : { }, "urlReferenceValue" : { }, "guiPosition" : "...", "customTableCode" : "...", "dataFilter" : "...", "fields" : "..." }, { "code" : "...", "description" : "...", "fieldType" : "CHECKBOX_LIST", "languageDescriptions" : [ { }, { } ], "valueDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodStartDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodEndDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodPriority" : 12345, "stringValue" : "...", "dateValue" : 12345, "longValue" : 12345, "doubleValue" : 12345.0, "booleanValue" : true, "value" : [ { }, { } ], "mapValue" : { "property1" : { }, "property2" : { } }, "entityReferenceValue" : { }, "indexType" : "INDEX_NOT_ANALYZE", "fileValue" : "...", "formattedValue" : { }, "urlReferenceValue" : { }, "guiPosition" : "...", "customTableCode" : "...", "dataFilter" : "...", "fields" : "..." } ] }, "collectionDate" : 12345, "computeDatesAtValidation" : true, "generateAO" : true, "skipValidationScript" : true, "rejectAutoAction" : "CANCEL", "suspectAutoAction" : "MOVE" }