The resources use a data model that is supported by a set of client-side libraries that are made available on the files and libraries page.
path | methods | description |
Receives inbound communication from external source given the rest url above. MEVEO handles it by throwing an inbount communication event with the communicationRequestDto. |
Get version of application |
Find a PDF invoice with a given invoice number and a customer account code. |
Get version of application |
Create new or update an existing access |
List Access filtered by subscriptionCode. |
Get version of application |
Remove an access with a given access code and subscription code. |
Disable an Access point with a given access code and subscription code. |
Enable an Access point with a given access code and subscription code. |
Web service for managing account hierarchy. Account hierarchy is org.meveo.model.crm.Customer->{!link org.meveo.model.payments.CustomerAccount}-> org.meveo.model.billing.BillingAccount-> org.meveo.model.billing.UserAccount. |
Create a CRMAccountHerarchy. |
Create or update Account Hierarchy based on code. |
Create or update a CRM Account Hierarchy. |
This service allows to create / update (if exist already) and close / terminate (if termination date is set) a list of customer, customer accounts, billing accounts, user accounts, subscriptions, services, and access in one transaction. It can activate and terminate subscription and service instance. Close customer account. Terminate billing and user account. |
Search for a list of customer accounts given a set of filter. |
Is an update of findAccountHierarchy wherein the user can search on 1 or multiple levels of the hierarchy in 1 search. These are the modes that can be combined by using bitwise - or |. Example: If we search on level=BA for lastName=legaspi and found a match, the search will return the hierarchy from BA to CUST. If we search on level=UA for address1=my_address and found a match, the search will return the hierarchy from UA to CUST.", notes = "CUST = 1, CA = 2, BA = 4, UA = 8. |
Update a CRM Account HerarHierarchychy. |
Get version of application |
Create or update Billing Account based on code. |
filter counters by period date. |
List BillingAccount filter by customerAccountCode. |
List BillingAccounts matching a given criteria |
Get version of application |
Remove a billing account with a Billing Account Code. |
Find parent entities based on account hierarchy code. |
Install business account module. |
Return meveo's modules. |
List MeveoModuleDtos matching a given criteria |
Get version of application |
Remove business account model with a given business account model code. |
Right to be forgotten. This concerns listing of risky or grey/black listed customers and their data. Upon request, they can require their data to be erased. In such case, mandatory information (accounting, invoicing, payments) must be preserved but the data tables including the customer's data must be anonymize (firstname/name/emails/phones/addresses/etc) so if this person register back it will be treated as a new customer without history. |
Search for a customer category with a given code |
Create a new customer brand |
Create a new customer category |
Create new or update existing customer |
Create new or update an existing customer brand |
Create new or update an existing customer category |
Exports an account hierarchy given a specific customer selected in the GUI. It includes Subscription, AccountOperation and Invoice details. It packaged the json output as a zipped file along with the pdf invoices. |
Filter counters by period date. |
Filters are: category, seller, brand and provider. |
List customers matching a given criteria |
Remove existing customer brand with a given brand code |
Remove an existing customer category with a given category code |
Generates the next customer sequence number. |
Update an existing customer brand |
Update an existing customer category |
Get version of application |
Remove customer with a given code |
Web service for managing customer account. |
Create new or update existing customer account |
Create a new credit category. |
Remove credit category with a given code. |
Filter counters by period date. |
List CustomerAccount filtered by customerCode. |
List CustomerAccounts matching a given criteria |
Transfer an amount from one customer to another. |
Get version of application |
Remove customerAccount with a given code. |
Create new or update an existing provider contact |
List of provider contacts |
Get version of application |
Remove an existing provider contact with a given code |
Create new or update an existing title |
List titles |
List titles matching a given criteria |
Get version of application |
Remove an existing title with a given code |
Apply a product on a user account. |
Create new or update an existing user account. |
Filter counters by period date. |
List user accounts filtered by a billing account's code. |
List user accounts matching a given criteria |
Get version of application |
Remove an existing user account with a given code. |
Add a new litigation |
Cancel a litigation |
List accountOperations matching customer account |
Match operations |
Transfer an account operation from one customer to another. |
Unmatching operations |
Get version of application |
List matched operations for a given account operation |
Find a AddressBook with a given code and from |
Create a new contact address for a contact code |
Create All addressbook |
List of address |
Get version of application |
Get version of application |
Update audit logging |
File format resource |
Create new or update an existing File formats |
File format resource |
List fileFormats matching a given criteria |
Get version of application |
Remove an existing File format with a given code |
Get the list of files in a specific directory |
Get the list of files |
Create a directory |
Download file with a given file name. |
Suppress the directory |
Suppress the file |
Upload the file form. |
Upload the file with the specific file data in 64 base. |
Upload the zipped file with the file data. |
Get version of application |
Will make a archive of a directory |
Will make a archive of a file |
Create new or update an existing workflow with a given code |
Execute a workflow |
Find a workflow by entity |
Find workflow history |
List of workflows. |
Get version of application |
Remove an existing workflow with a given code |
Disable a Workflow with a given code |
Enable a Workflow with a given code |
API for managing AccountingCode entity. |
Create or update an AccountingCode. Checks if the code already exists. |
API for managing AccountingCode entity. |
List AccountingCodes matching a given criteria |
Get version of application |
Removes an AccountingCode entity. |
Disable a Accounting code with a given code |
Enable a Accounting code with a given code |
Create a new billing run. The id of the created BillingRun is returned on 'message' field of response object. |
Returns the list of billable billing accounts of a billing run |
Search for a billing run info with a given Id |
Returns the post-invoicing report for a given billing run Id |
Returns the pre-invoicing report for a given billing run Id |
Get version of application |
Cancels the reservation |
Same as registerCdrList, but at the same process rate the EDR created |
Confirms the reservation |
Notify of rejected CDRs |
Accepts a list of CDR line. This CDR is parsed and created as EDR. CDR is same format use in mediation job |
Allows the user to reserve a CDR, this will create a new reservation entity attached to a wallet operation. A reservation has expiration limit save in the provider entity (PREPAID_RESRV_DELAY_MS) |
Get version of application |
Call service to cancel one or many opened Rated Transactions according to the passed query, cancel an opened Rated Transaction is to set status to CANCELED. |
Rated transactions related REST API |
List ratedTransactions matching a given criteria |
Get version of application |
Activate a given Subscription for a customer. |
Activate services. Subscription should not be in status (RESILIATED OR CANCELLED). This service allows to override the charge instance price before activation. This service is actually a 2 step process: service instantiation then activation. If service.subscriptionDate is not set a service is only instantiated else it's instantiated then activated. |
Apply one shot charge. Subscription should not be in status (RESILIATED OR CANCELLED). |
Apply a product on a subscription. |
Cancels the renewal term of an active subscription. |
Create or update subscription information ONLY. Does not include access, services nor products |
Create or update subscription information WITH access, services and products. Terminates subscription if termination date is provided on subscription. Terminates service if termination date is provided on service. Activates inactive service if service subscription date is provided. Instantiates service if no matching service found. Updates service if matching service found. Only those services, access and products passed will be afected. |
Returns the due date delay information. |
List subscriptions matching a given criteria |
Instantiate a Service subscription |
List subscriptions matching a given criteria |
Search for a subscription with a given code. |
Search for a subscription with a given code. |
Give a rate data for subscription |
Resume an existing subscription |
Resume an existing services |
Find service instance. |
Returns a list of service instances. |
Create a subscription and activate services in a single transaction. |
Suspend an existing subscription |
Suspend an existing services |
Terminate a list of services. If a service is already TERMINATED, an error is thrown. |
Update existing services |
Get version of application |
patch a subscription |
rollBack an offer |
Gets the current (open or reserved) wallet balance amount at a given level and date period. In wallet operation, status='OPEN OR RESERVED'. |
Gets the open wallet balance amount at a given level and date period. In wallet operation, status='OPEN'. |
Gets the reserved wallet balance amount at a given level and date period. In wallet operation, status='RESERVED'. |
Create a new operation |
Wallet operation and balance related REST API |
List wallet operations matching a given criteria |
Wallet operation and balance related REST API |
Confirm a reservation given an id. |
Cancel a reservation given an id. |
Wallet operation and balance related REST API |
Create new or update an existing wallet template |
Remove an existing wallet template with a given code |
Get version of application |
Create new or update an existing billing cycle with a given code |
Search for list of billingCycles. |
Get version of application |
Remove an existing billing cycle with a given code. |
Gets the banking date status. |
Create new or update an existing calendar with a given code. |
Retrieve a list of all calendars. |
List Calendars matching a given criteria |
Get version of application |
Remove calendar with a given code. |
Create new or update an existing business offer model. |
Install business offer model module. |
Get version of application |
Remove an existing business offer model with a given code. |
Create new or update an existing business product model |
Install business product model module |
List business product models |
List Business Product Models matching a given criteria |
Get version of application |
Remove an existing business product model with a given code |
Create new or update an existing business service model |
Install business offer model module |
List business service model |
List Business Service Models matching a given criteria |
Get version of application |
Remove an existing business service model with a given code |
Create new or update an existing channel |
Get version of application |
Disable a Channel with a given code |
Enable a Channel with a given code |
Returns all the active channels list |
Get version of application |
Search for a charge template with a given code |
Get version of application |
Web service for managing org.meveo.model.catalog.CounterTemplate. |
Create or update a counter Template. |
List CounterTemplates matching a given criteria |
Get version of application |
Disable a Counter template with a given code |
Enable a Counter template with a given code |
Remove counter template with a given code. |
Create new or update an existing discount plan |
List discount plan |
List DiscountPlans matching a given criteria |
Get version of application |
Disable a Discount plan with a given code |
Enable a Discount plan with a given code |
CRUD/list discountPlanItem via REST API. |
create/update a discount plan item. |
List all discount plan items by current user. |
List DiscountPlanItems matching a given criteria |
Get version of application |
Disable a Discount plan item with a given code |
Enable a Discount plan item with a given code |
remove a discount plan item by code. |
Web service for managing org.meveo.model.catalog.OfferTemplate. |
Create or update offer template based on a given code. |
Web service for managing org.meveo.model.catalog.OfferTemplate. |
List Offer templates matching a given criteria |
Get version of application |
Disable a Offer template with a given code |
Enable a Offer template with a given code |
Remove offer template with a given code and validity dates. If no validity dates are provided, an offer template valid on a current date will be deleted. |
Create new or update an existing offer template category |
List DiscountPlanItems matching a given criteria |
Get version of application |
Disable a Offer template category with a given code |
Enable a Offer template category with a given code |
Web service for managing org.meveo.model.catalog.OneShotChargeTemplate. |
Create new or update an existing. |
List one shot charge template with the following filters. |
Return the list of oneShotChargeTemplates. |
Get version of application |
Disable a One shot charge template with a given code |
Enable a One shot charge template with a given code |
Remove one shot charge tesmplate with a given code. |
Web service for managing org.meveo.model.catalog.PricePlanMatrix. |
Create new or update an existing price plan matrix |
List price plan matrix. |
List PricePlanMatrixes |
Get version of application |
Disable a Price plan with a given code |
Enable a Price plan with a given code |
Remove an existing price plan matrix with a given code |
Web service for managing org.meveo.model.catalog.RecurringChargeTemplate. |
Create new or update an existing recurring charge template |
Return the list of recurringChargeTemplates. |
Get version of application |
Disable a Recurring charge template with a given code |
Enable a Recurring charge template with a given code |
Remove an existing recurring charge template with a given code. |
Web service for managing org.meveo.model.catalog.ServiceTemplate. |
Create new or update an existing service template |
Gets a service template list widh . |
Gets a service template list. |
Get version of application |
Disable a Service template with a given code |
Enable a Service template with a given code |
Remove service template with a given code. |
Create new or update an existing triggered edr template |
Gets a triggeredEdrs list. |
Get version of application |
Remove an existing triggered edr template with a given code. |
Create new or update an existing unitOfMeasure |
List all currencies. |
List UnitOfMeasures matching a given criteria |
Get version of application |
Remove an existing unitOfMeasure with a given code |
Web service for managing org.meveo.model.catalog.UsageChargeTemplate. |
Create new or update an existing charge template with a given code. |
List UsageChargeTemplate matching a given criteria |
List UsageChargeTemplate |
Get version of application |
Disable a Usage charge template with a given code |
Enable a Usage charge template with a given code |
Remove usage charge template with a given code. |
Get a list of categories |
Get a single category by its code |
Create offer from BOM definition |
Create product from BPM definition |
Create service from BSM definition |
TMForum Product catalog API specification implementation. Note: only READ type methods are implemented. |
Create or update product charge template |
List all productChargeTemplates |
Gets a productChargeTemplate list. |
TMForum Product catalog API specification implementation. Note: only READ type methods are implemented. |
Disable a Product charge template with a given code |
Enable a Product charge template with a given code |
Get a list of product offerings optionally filtering by some criteria |
Get details of a single Product template and validity dates. If no validity dates are provided, an Product template valid on a current date will be returned. |
Get a list of product specifications optionally filtering by some criteria |
Get details of a single product |
TMForum Product catalog API specification implementation. Note: only READ type methods are implemented. |
Create or update product template |
List all product templates optionally filtering by code and validity dates. If neither date is provided, validity dates will not be considered. If only validFrom is provided, a search will return products valid on a given date. If only validTo date is provided, a search will return products valid from today to a given date. |
Gets a productTemplates list. |
TMForum Product catalog API specification implementation. Note: only READ type methods are implemented. |
Disable a Product template with a given code |
Enable a Product template with a given code |
Get version of application |
Create new or update an existing chart with a given code |
List Calendars matching a given criteria |
Get version of application |
Disable a Chart with a given code |
Enable a Chart with a given code |
Create new or update an existing email template by dto |
List email templates |
Get version of application |
remove an emailTemplate by code |
CreateOrUpdate a meveoInstance by dto |
List meveoInstances |
Get version of application |
Remove a meveoInstance by code |
Send SMS to Customer. |
Get version of application |
Converts system properties into json string. |
Get version of application |
Create or update a CRM contact |
Import the contact list from a file |
Import the contact list to a CSV file text |
List Contacts matching a given criteria |
Get version of application |
Delete a contact with a given code |
Web service for managing org.meveo.model.billing.Country and org.meveo.model.billing.TradingCountry. |
Create or update a Trading Country base from the supplied country code. If the country code does not exists, a country and tradingCountry records are created |
Search for list of trading countries. |
Get version of application |
Disable a Trading country with a given country code |
Enable a Trading country with a given country code |
Does not delete a country but the tradingCountry associated to it. |
Does not delete a country but the tradingCountry associated to it. |
Web service for managing org.meveo.model.billing.Country. |
Creates or modify a tradingCountry base from the supplied country code. |
List all countries. |
List countries ISO matching a given criteria |
Get version of application |
Does not delete a country but the tradingCountry associated to it. |
Web service for managing org.meveo.model.admin.Currency and org.meveo.model.billing.TradingCurrency. |
Create or Update tradingCurrency base on currency code. If the currency code does not exists, a currency record is created |
Search for list of trading currencies. |
Get version of application |
Disable a Trading currency with a given currency code |
Enable a Trading currency with a given currency code |
Remove currency with a given currency code. |
Web service for managing Currency. |
Creates or modify a tradingCurrency base on currency code. |
List all currencies. |
List currencies ISO matching a given criteria |
Get version of application |
Remove currency with a given currency code. |
List custom entity instances. |
Get version of application |
Rest API for custom entity instance management |
Create new or update an existing custom entity instance with a given code. |
Rest API for custom entity instance management |
Disable a Custom entity instance with a given code |
Enable a Custom entity instance with a given code |
Define new or update existing custom field definition |
Get version of application |
Remove custom field definition given its code and entity it applies to |
Disable a Custom field template with a given code |
Enable a Custom field template with a given code |
Rest API for custom table data management |
Append or update data in a custom table |
Mark records as disabled in a custom table. Applies only to those custom tables that contain a field 'disabled' |
Mark records as enabled in a custom table. Applies only to those custom tables that contain a field 'disabled' |
Search in custom tables |
Search in custom tables using CustomTableWrapper |
Get version of application |
Generate PDF document. |
Get version of application |
Download the files with the given id |
Creates the procedure. |
Gets the procedure by id. |
Gets the procedure status by id. |
Get version of application |
Add Payments to dunningDocument. |
List dunningDocuments matching a given criteria |
Get version of application |
Define new or update existing entity action definition |
Remove entity action definition given its code and entity it applies to |
To be sure the compatibility of above method we will create a new one. Define new or update existing custom entity template definition |
Customize a standard Meveo entity definition by adding fields and/or custom actions |
Get customizations made on a standard Meveo entity given its class |
Execute and action of a given entity |
Define new or update existing custom entity template definition |
List custom entity templates. |
Returns a list of filtered CustomFieldTemplate of an entity. The list of entity is evaluted againsts the entity with the given code. |
Disable a Custom entity template with a given code |
Enable a Custom entity template with a given code |
Define new or update existing custom field definition |
Disable a Entity action with a given code |
Enable a Entity action with a given code |
Remove custom field definition given its code and entity it applies to |
Disable a Custom field template with a given code |
Enable a Custom field template with a given code |
Returns a List of BusinessEntities given a CustomFieldTemplate code. The CustomFieldTemplate is pulled from the database and entityClass is use in query. For example entity class is of type OfferTemplate, then it will return a list of OfferTemplates. |
Get version of application |
Find a filter with a given code |
Create new or update an existing filter with a given code |
Get version of application |
Disable a Filter with a given code |
Enable a Filter with a given code |
Execute a filter to retrieve a list of entities |
Clean and reindex Elastic Search repository |
Execute a search in Elastic Search on all fields (_all field) |
Execute a search in Elastic Search on given fields for given values. Query values by field are passed in extra query parameters in a form of fieldName=valueToMatch |
Get version of application |
API for managing ReportExtract. |
Create / update a report extract with the given data. |
API for managing ReportExtract. |
API for managing ReportExtract. |
Returns a paginated list of ReportExtract. |
Runs a report extract with the given parameter. |
Get version of application |
Disable a Report extract with a given code |
Enable a Report extract with a given code |
Create new or update an existing user hierarchy level with a given code |
Get version of application |
Remove an existing hierarchy level with a given code |
validate the iban and/or bic |
Get version of application |
Check for execution results for a given execution identifier |
Send a file to be imported. ImportExportResponseDto.executionId contains |
Get version of application |
Web service for managing org.meveo.model.billing.Invoice. |
Web service for managing org.meveo.model.billing.Invoice. |
Finds an invoice based on invoice number and optionally an invoice type and return it as pdf as byte []. Invoice is not recreated, instead invoice stored as pdf in database is returned. |
Finds an invoice based on its invoice number and optionally an invoice type and return it as xml string. |
Generate a Draft invoice |
Launch all the invoicing process for a given billingAccount, that's mean.
Finds an invoice based on invoice number and return it as pdf as byte []. Invoice is not recreated, instead invoice stored as pdf in database is returned. |
Finds an invoice based on invoice number and invoice type and return it as pdf as byte []. Invoice is not recreated, instead invoice stored as pdf in database is returned. |
Finds an invoice based on its invoice number and return it as xml string. |
Finds an invoice based on invoice number and invoice type. It returns the result as xml string |
Web service for managing org.meveo.model.billing.Invoice. |
List invoices matching a given criteria |
Send invoice by Email. |
Web service for managing org.meveo.model.billing.Invoice. |
Get version of application |
Web service for managing org.meveo.model.billing.InvoiceCategory. |
Create or update invoice with a given code. |
Web service for managing org.meveo.model.billing.InvoiceCategory. |
Get version of application |
Remove invoice with a given code. |
Web service for managing org.meveo.model.billing.InvoiceSequence. |
Create new or update an existing invoiceSequence with a given code. |
List of invoiceSequence. |
Get version of application |
Web service for managing org.meveo.model.billing.InvoiceSubCategory. |
Create or update invoice sub category. |
Web service for managing org.meveo.model.billing.InvoiceSubCategory. |
Get version of application |
Remove invoice sub category with a given code. |
Web service for managing org.meveo.model.billing.InvoiceType. |
Create new or update an existing invoiceType with a given code. |
List of invoiceType. |
Get version of application |
Remove invoiceType with a given code. |
Create a new job instance |
Create new or update an existing job instance with a given code |
Execute a given job instance info |
Find a job execution result with a given id |
List jobExecutions matching a given criteria |
Deprecated in v.4.7.2 Use /list instead. |
List job categories |
Create new or update an existing timer entity with a given code |
Remove an existing timer with a given code |
Get version of application |
Remove an existing job instance with a given code |
Create a new job instance |
Create new or update an existing job instance with a given code |
Search for list of jobInstances. |
Update an existing job instance |
Get version of application |
Disable a Job instance with a given code |
Enable a Job instance with a given code |
Remove an existing job instance with a given code |
* Web service for managing org.meveo.model.billing.Language and org.meveo.model.billing.TradingLanguage. |
Create or update a language if it doesn't exists. |
Search for list of trading languages. |
Get version of application |
Disable a Trading language with a given language code |
Enable a Trading language with a given language code |
Does not delete a language but the tradingLanguage associated to it. |
* Web service for managing org.meveo.model.billing.Language. |
Create or update a language if it doesn't exists. |
List languages ISO matching a given criteria |
Get version of application |
Does not delete a language but the tradingLanguage associated to it. |
Find a Measurable value during a period of date and period |
List Measurable quantity with a given code. |
Get version of application |
Remove Measurable quantity with a given code. |
Disable a Measurable quantity with a given code |
Enable a Measurable quantity with a given code |
Web service for managing MetricsConfiguration. |
Get version of application |
Create new or update an existing Meveo module |
Disable a Meveo's module with a given code |
Enable a Meveo's module with a given code |
Install Meveo module |
List all Meveo's modules |
uninstall a Meveo's module with a given code |
Get version of application |
Remove an existing module with a given code |
Disable a Opencell module with a given code |
Enable a Opencell module with a given code |
REST service for managing Notification object. |
Create new or update an existing notification with a given code |
Create new or update an existing email notification with a given code |
Get version of application |
Disable a Email notification with a given code |
Enable a Email notification with a given code |
Remove an existing email notification with a given code |
Create new or update an existing job trigger with a given code |
Get version of application |
Disable a Job execution trigger notification with a given code |
Enable a Job execution trigger notification with a given code |
Remove an existing job trigger with a given code |
List inbound requests |
List the notification history |
Get version of application |
Create new or update an existing web hook notification with a given code |
Get version of application |
Disable a Webhook notification with a given code |
Enable a Webhook notification with a given code |
Remove an existing web hook notification with a given code |
Disable a Script type notification with a given code |
Enable a Script type notification with a given code |
Remove an existing notification with a given code |
Create or update OccTemplate. |
Get version of application |
Remove OccTemplate with a given code. |
TMForum Product ordering API specification implementation |
validate a product order |
Modify partially a product order |
TMForum Product ordering API specification implementation |
Evaluate and return the dueDateDelayEL. It checks the EL in this order: Order, CustomerAccount, BillingCycle. |
Updates the dueDateDelayEL of an Order. |
Creates automated payment. It also process if a payment is matching or not |
The Interface PaymentRs. |
List available card payment methods for a given customer account identified either by id or by code. |
Create or update a credit category payment |
Retrieve the list of credit category paiement |
List creditCategories matching a given criteria |
Get version of application |
Delete a credit category with his given code |
Returns a list of account operations along with the balance of a customer. |
The Interface PaymentRs. |
Create or update ddRequest builder. |
The Interface PaymentRs. |
Disable a ddRequest builder with a given code |
Enable a ddRequest builder with a given code |
Create a ddrequestLotOp by dto |
List ddrequestLotOps by fromDueDate,toDueDate,status |
Get version of application |
The Interface PaymentRs. |
The Interface PaymentRs. |
Create or update payment gateway. |
Get the Hosted Checkout URL for payment. |
The Interface PaymentRs. |
The Interface PaymentRs. |
The Interface PaymentRs. |
Generates the next RUM sequence number. |
Disable a Payment gateway with a given code |
Enable a Payment gateway with a given code |
The Interface PaymentRs. |
List Payment Methods matching a customer account |
The Interface PaymentRs. |
List paymentMethods matching a given criteria |
Disable a Payment method with a given id |
Enable a Payment method with a given id |
The Interface PaymentRs. |
Cancel payment Schedules instance. |
The Interface PaymentRs. |
Terminate payment Schedules instance. |
The Interface PaymentRs. |
Create or update payment Schedules template. |
The Interface PaymentRs. |
Update the Provider's RUM sequence configuration. |
Calculates and returns the next value of the mandate number. |
Get version of application |
Get version of application |
List of permissions |
Get version of application |
Web service for managing Provider. |
Register a new tenant |
Find a provider Cf with a given provider code. |
Returns list of payment method and credit categories. |
Returns list of customer brands, categories and titles. |
Returns list of invoicing configuration (calendars, taxes, invoice categories, invoice sub categories, billing cycles and termination reasons. |
Returns list of trading countries, currencies and languages. |
List tenants |
Update a provider CF. |
Get version of application |
Remove a tenant |
TMForum Product quote API specification implementation |
Place an order based on a product quote. |
Modify partially a product quote |
TMForum Product quote API specification implementation |
Creates refund. |
Get version of application |
Create new or update an existing revenue recognition rule with a given code |
List of revenue recognition rules. |
Get version of application |
Disable a Revenue recognition rule with a given code |
Enable a Revenue recognition rule with a given code |
Remove an existing revenue recognition rule with a given code |
REST API for managing Role. |
Create or update role. |
List external roles. |
REST API for managing Role. |
Get version of application |
Remove role. |
Create new or update an existing script instance with a given code. |
Execute a script instance with a given code and list of parameters for the context of the script |
Get version of application |
Disable a Script instance with a given code |
Enable a Script instance with a given code |
Remove an existing script instance with a given code . |
Web service for managing org.meveo.model.admin.Seller. |
Create or update a seller. |
Search for seller with a given code. |
Search for all seller's code. |
Get version of application |
Remove seller with a given code. |
Web service for managing org.meveo.model.billing.Tax. |
Create or uptadate a tax. |
Search for the list of taxes. |
List taxes matching a given criteria |
Get version of application |
Remove tax with a given code. |
REST interface definition of Tax category API |
Create new or update an existing Tax category |
REST interface definition of Tax category API |
List taxCategories matching a given criteria |
Get version of application |
Remove an existing Tax category with a given code |
REST interface definition of Tax class API |
Create new or update an existing Tax class |
REST interface definition of Tax class API |
List taxClasses matching a given criteria |
Get version of application |
Remove an existing Tax class with a given code |
REST interface definition of Tax mapping API |
Create new or update an existing Tax mapping |
REST interface definition of Tax mapping API |
List taxMappings matching a given criteria |
Get version of application |
Remove an existing Tax mapping with a given id |
Create new or update an existing termination reason with a given code. |
List of termination reasons. |
Get version of application |
Remove an existing termination reason with a given code. |
Find a timer schedule with a given code |
Create a new timer schedule |
Create new or update an existing timer schedule with a given code |
Update an existing timer schedule |
Get version of application |
Disable a Timer schedule with a given code |
Enable a Timer schedule with a given code |
Get version of application |
Remove an existing data from a custom table. |
Mark a record as disabled in a custom table. Applies only to those custom tables that contain a field 'disabled' |
Mark a record as enabled in a custom table. Applies only to those custom tables that contain a field 'disabled' |
Search for all opened ratedTransactions with a given userAccountCode,fromDate and toDate . |
Search for charge aggregate isage from a user account code during a period of time. |
Get version of application |
Web service for managing org.meveo.model.admin.User. User has a unique username that is use for update, search and remove operation. |
Create or update user based on the username. |
Web service for managing org.meveo.model.admin.User. User has a unique username that is use for update, search and remove operation. |
Deletes a user in keycloak and core given a username. |
Web service for managing org.meveo.model.admin.User. User has a unique username that is use for update, search and remove operation. |
List users matching a given criteria |
Get version of application |
Remove user with a given username. |