BarChartDto Data Type

Implemented Interfaces
name data type description
legendPosition LegendPositionEnum
barPadding number
barMargin number
orientation OrientationEnum
stacked boolean Enables stacked display of bars
min number Minimum boundary value.
max number Minimum boundary value.
breakOnNull boolean Whether line segments should be broken at null value, fall will join point on either side of line.
xaxisLabel string
yaxisLabel string
xaxisAngle number Angle of the x-axis ticks
yaxisAngle number
legendCols number
legendRows number
zoom boolean Enables plot zooming.
animate boolean Enables animation on plot rendering
showDataTip boolean Defines visibility of datatip.
datatipFormat string Template string for datatips.
Properties inherited from ChartDto
measurableQuantity MeasurableQuantityDto
width string
height string
style string
styleClass string
extender string
visible boolean
Properties inherited from BusinessDto
code string
description string
updatedCode string