BillingAccount Data Type

Implemented Interfaces
name data type description
invoices array of Invoice
tradingLanguage TradingLanguage
status AccountStatusEnum
billingRun BillingRun
invoicePrefix string
billingRunLists array of BillingRunList
billingCycle BillingCycle
statusDate number
subscriptionDate number
counters map of CounterInstance
paymentMethod PaymentMethodEnum
bankCoordinates BankCoordinates
discountPlan DiscountPlan
ratedTransactions array of RatedTransaction
terminationDate number
brAmountWithoutTax number
customerAccount CustomerAccount
invoicingThreshold number
discountRate number
electronicBilling boolean
terminationReason SubscriptionTerminationReason
parentEntity BusinessEntity
nextInvoiceDate number
invoiceAgregates array of InvoiceAgregate
parentCFEntities array of object
paymentTerm PaymentTermEnum
email string
parentEntityType object
brAmountWithTax number
usersAccounts array of UserAccount
tradingCountry TradingCountry
Properties inherited from AccountEntity
providerContact string
externalRef1 string
name Name
defaultLevel boolean
externalRef2 string
accountType string
address Address
primaryContact ProviderContact
businessAccountModel BusinessAccountModel
Properties inherited from BusinessCFEntity
parentCFEntities array of object
uuid string
Properties inherited from BusinessEntity
description string
parentEntityType object
descriptionOrCode string
code string
appendGeneratedCode boolean
parentEntity BusinessEntity
Properties inherited from EnableEntity
active boolean
disabled boolean
Properties inherited from AuditableEntity
auditable Auditable
Properties inherited from BaseEntity
transient boolean
version number
id number