MeveoApiErrorCodeEnum Data Type

Action status error codes. See ActionStatus.message for a detailed error message

value description
ENTITY_DOES_NOT_EXISTS_EXCEPTION Entity on which action should be performed or referenced, was not found.
ENTITY_ALREADY_EXISTS_EXCEPTION Entity with an identical code, or some other unique identifiers was found and should be updated instead.
DELETE_REFERENCED_ENTITY_EXCEPTION Unable to delete an entity as it is referenced from other entities.
MISSING_PARAMETER Missing a required parameter or field value.
INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid parameter or field value passed
INVALID_ENUM_VALUE Parameter or field value does not correspond to a valid Enum value option
DUPLICATE_ACCESS Access with such code and subscription already exists
INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE Insufficient balance to perform operation
GENERIC_API_EXCEPTION A general exception encountered
BUSINESS_API_EXCEPTION A business exception encountered
AUTHENTICATION_AUTHORIZATION_EXCEPTION Were not able to authenticate with given user credentials, or user does not have a required permission
ACTION_FORBIDDEN Action was not allowed to be performed
INVALID_IMAGE_DATA Could be a wrong content type or invalid image byte[].