ProductChargeTemplate Data Type

Implemented Interfaces
name data type description
productTemplates array of ProductTemplate
Properties inherited from ChargeTemplate
inputUnitDescription string
revenueRecognitionRule RevenueRecognitionRule
type OperationTypeEnum
edrTemplates array of TriggeredEDRTemplate
invoiceSubCategory InvoiceSubCategory
ratingUnitDescription string
roundingMode RoundingModeEnum
unitMultiplicator number
amountEditable boolean
unitNbDecimal number
chargeInstances array of ChargeInstance
Properties inherited from BusinessCFEntity
parentCFEntities array of object
uuid string
Properties inherited from BusinessEntity
description string
parentEntityType object
descriptionOrCode string
code string
appendGeneratedCode boolean
parentEntity BusinessEntity
Properties inherited from EnableEntity
active boolean
disabled boolean
Properties inherited from AuditableEntity
auditable Auditable
Properties inherited from BaseEntity
transient boolean
version number
id number