DiscountInvoiceAggregateDto Data Type

Discount invoice aggregate DTO

Implemented Interfaces
name data type description
discountPlanItemCode string The discount plan item code.
discountPercent number The discount percent.
itemNumber number The item number.
accountingCode string The accounting code.
description string The description.
quantity number The quantity. Deprecated in v5.2
amountWithoutTax number The amount without tax.
amountTax number The amount tax.
amountWithTax number The amount with tax.
invoiceSubCategoryCode string The invoice sub category code.
userAccountCode string The user account code
amountByTax array of SubcategoryInvoiceAgregateAmountDto Amounts broken down by tax
ratedTransaction array of RatedTransactionDto The rated transactions.


  "discountPlanItemCode" : "...",
  "discountPercent" : 12345.0,
  "itemNumber" : 12345,
  "accountingCode" : "...",
  "description" : "...",
  "amountWithoutTax" : 12345.0,
  "amountTax" : 12345.0,
  "amountWithTax" : 12345.0,
  "invoiceSubCategoryCode" : "...",
  "userAccountCode" : "...",
  "amountByTax" : [ {
    "amountWithTax" : 12345.0,
    "amountWithoutTax" : 12345.0,
    "amountTax" : 12345.0,
    "tax" : {
      "percent" : 12345.0,
      "accountingCode" : "...",
      "id" : 12345,
      "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ],
      "languageDescriptions" : [ { }, { } ],
      "code" : "...",
      "customFields" : { },
      "composite" : true,
      "description" : "...",
      "subTaxes" : [ { }, { } ],
      "updatedCode" : "..."
  }, {
    "amountWithTax" : 12345.0,
    "amountWithoutTax" : 12345.0,
    "amountTax" : 12345.0,
    "tax" : {
      "percent" : 12345.0,
      "accountingCode" : "...",
      "id" : 12345,
      "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ],
      "languageDescriptions" : [ { }, { } ],
      "code" : "...",
      "customFields" : { },
      "composite" : true,
      "description" : "...",
      "subTaxes" : [ { }, { } ],
      "updatedCode" : "..."
  } ],
  "ratedTransaction" : [ {
    "usageDate" : 12345,
    "unitAmountWithoutTax" : 12345.0,
    "unitAmountWithTax" : 12345.0,
    "unitAmountTax" : 12345.0,
    "quantity" : 12345.0,
    "inputQuantity" : 12345.0,
    "rawAmountWithoutTax" : 12345.0,
    "rawAmountWithTax" : 12345.0,
    "amountWithoutTax" : 12345.0,
    "amountWithTax" : 12345.0,
    "amountTax" : 12345.0,
    "code" : "...",
    "status" : "RERATED",
    "description" : "...",
    "unityDescription" : "...",
    "priceplanCode" : "...",
    "doNotTriggerInvoicing" : true,
    "startDate" : 12345,
    "endDate" : 12345,
    "parameter1" : "...",
    "parameter2" : "...",
    "parameter3" : "...",
    "userAccountCode" : "...",
    "taxCode" : "...",
    "taxPercent" : 12345.0,
    "invoiceSubCategoryCode" : "...",
    "sellerCode" : "...",
    "billingAccountCode" : "...",
    "taxClassCode" : "...",
    "inputUnitOfMeasure" : "...",
    "ratingUnitOfMeasure" : "...",
    "sortIndex" : 12345
  }, {
    "usageDate" : 12345,
    "unitAmountWithoutTax" : 12345.0,
    "unitAmountWithTax" : 12345.0,
    "unitAmountTax" : 12345.0,
    "quantity" : 12345.0,
    "inputQuantity" : 12345.0,
    "rawAmountWithoutTax" : 12345.0,
    "rawAmountWithTax" : 12345.0,
    "amountWithoutTax" : 12345.0,
    "amountWithTax" : 12345.0,
    "amountTax" : 12345.0,
    "code" : "...",
    "status" : "REJECTED",
    "description" : "...",
    "unityDescription" : "...",
    "priceplanCode" : "...",
    "doNotTriggerInvoicing" : true,
    "startDate" : 12345,
    "endDate" : 12345,
    "parameter1" : "...",
    "parameter2" : "...",
    "parameter3" : "...",
    "userAccountCode" : "...",
    "taxCode" : "...",
    "taxPercent" : 12345.0,
    "invoiceSubCategoryCode" : "...",
    "sellerCode" : "...",
    "billingAccountCode" : "...",
    "taxClassCode" : "...",
    "inputUnitOfMeasure" : "...",
    "ratingUnitOfMeasure" : "...",
    "sortIndex" : 12345
  } ]