Invoice generate request DTO
name | data type | description |
temporaryInvoiceNumber | string | The temporary invoice number. |
invoiceTypeCode | string | The invoice type code. |
amount | number | The amount. |
accountOperationId | number | The account operation id. |
auditableField | array of AuditableFieldDto | |
invoiceId | number | The invoice id. |
invoiceType | string | The invoice type. |
billingAccountCode | string | The billing account code. |
sellerCode | string | Code of the Seller |
subscriptionCode | string | Code of the subscription |
subscriptionId | number | Id of the subscription |
orderNumber | string | Order number |
status | InvoiceStatusEnum | The invoice status. |
dueDate | number | The due date. |
invoiceDate | number | The invoice date. |
categoryInvoiceAgregate | array of CategoryInvoiceAgregateDto | The category invoice aggregates. |
taxAggregate | array of TaxInvoiceAggregateDto | The tax aggregates |
invoiceIdToLink | array of number | The list invoice id to link. |
invoiceNumber | string | The invoice number. |
discount | number | The discount. |
amountWithoutTax | number | The amount without tax. |
amountTax | number | The amount tax. |
amountWithTax | number | The amount with tax. |
paymentMethod | PaymentMethodEnum | The payment method. |
xmlFilename | string | The xml filename. |
xml | string | The xml. |
pdfFilename | string | The pdf filename. |
string | The pdf. | |
autoValidation | boolean | A request-only parameter. True if invoice should be assigned a number. Defaults to True. |
returnXml | boolean | A request-only parameter. True if XML invoice should be generated and returned. |
returnPdf | boolean | A request-only parameter. True if PDF invoice should be generated and returned. |
sendByEmail | boolean | A request-only parameter. True if PDF should be delivered by email. Defaults to True. |
includeBalance | boolean | A request-only parameter. True if currently due balance should be returned |
recordedInvoiceDto | RecordedInvoiceDto | The recorded invoice dto. |
netToPay | number | The net to pay. |
invoiceMode | InvoiceModeEnum | The invoice mode. |
customFields | CustomFieldsDto | The custom fields. |
dueBalance | number | The total due is a snapshot at invoice generation time of the due balance (not exigible) before invoice calculation+invoice amount. Due balance is a "future" dueBalance (the due balance at the invoice due date). |
isDraft | boolean | A flag to generate a draft invoice |
checkAlreadySent | boolean | Before sending the invoice, check if not already sent |
overrideEmail | string | Override Email defined in the billing entity |
sentByEmail | boolean | True if the invoice was sent by email or delibered by some other electronic means, false otherwise |
paymentScheduleInstancesDto | PaymentScheduleInstancesDto | list of related payment schedule instances |
dunningEntryDate | number | associated dunning creation date |
dunningLastModification | number | associated dunning last update date |
dunningStatus | string | associated dunning current status |
realTimeStatus | InvoicePaymentStatusEnum | The invoice real time status. |
ratedTransactionsToLink | array of number | list of existing RTs to include, identified by id This option is allowed only if invoiceMode=="DETAILLED" |
paymentIncidents | array of string | paymentIncident |
sendPaymentDate | number | sendPaymentDate |
initialCollectionDate | number | Invoice payment collection date. |
writeOffAmount | number | sum off writeOff accountOperations amounts |
paymentDate | number | last payment Date |
statusDate | number | Invoice status change date |
xmlDate | number | Date when the XML has been produced on a validated invoice. |
pdfDate | number | Date when the PDf has been produced on a validated invoice. |
emailSentDate | number | Date when the invoice has been sent for a validated invoice |
paymentStatus | InvoicePaymentStatusEnum | |
paymentStatusDate | number | Payment status change date |
startDate | number | Beginning of the billed period (based on billing cycle period whenever possible or min(invoiceLine.valueDate)) |
endDate | number | End of the billed period (based on billing cycle period whenever possible or applied lastTransactionDate or max(invoiceLine.valueDate)) |
rawAmount | number | Total raw amount from invoice lines. -Does not include discount. -With or without tax depending on provider setting (isEnterprise). |
discountRate | number | Discount rate to apply (in %). Initialize with discount rate from linked invoice discount plan. |
discountAmount | number | Total discount amount with or without tax depending on provider settings. Can be inconsistent with discountRate. discountAmount has precedence over discountRate |
isAlreadyAppliedMinimum | boolean | Indicates if the invoicing minimum has already been applied |
isAlreadyAddedDiscount | boolean | Indicates if the invoice discounts have already been applied |
discountPlanCode | string | Discount plan code |
lastAppliedRate | number | The exchange rate that converted amounts of the invoice. |
lastAppliedRateDate | number | The date of exchange rate applied to amounts of the invoice. |
{ "temporaryInvoiceNumber" : "...", "invoiceTypeCode" : "...", "amount" : 12345.0, "accountOperationId" : 12345, "auditableField" : [ { "entityClass" : "...", "fieldName" : "...", "id" : 12345, "changeOrigin" : "...", "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ], "originName" : "...", "code" : "...", "previousState" : "...", "currentState" : "...", "description" : "...", "created" : "...", "updatedCode" : "...", "actor" : "..." }, { "entityClass" : "...", "fieldName" : "...", "id" : 12345, "changeOrigin" : "...", "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ], "originName" : "...", "code" : "...", "previousState" : "...", "currentState" : "...", "description" : "...", "created" : "...", "updatedCode" : "...", "actor" : "..." } ], "invoiceId" : 12345, "invoiceType" : "...", "billingAccountCode" : "...", "sellerCode" : "...", "subscriptionCode" : "...", "subscriptionId" : 12345, "orderNumber" : "...", "status" : "DRAFT", "dueDate" : 12345, "invoiceDate" : 12345, "categoryInvoiceAgregate" : [ { "categoryInvoiceCode" : "...", "description" : "...", "userAccountCode" : "...", "itemNumber" : 12345, "amountWithoutTax" : 12345.0, "amountTax" : 12345.0, "amountWithTax" : 12345.0, "subCategoryInvoiceAgregateDto" : [ { "itemNumber" : 12345, "accountingCode" : "...", "description" : "...", "amountWithoutTax" : 12345.0, "amountTax" : 12345.0, "amountWithTax" : 12345.0, "invoiceSubCategoryCode" : "...", "userAccountCode" : "...", "amountByTax" : [ { }, { } ], "ratedTransaction" : [ { }, { } ] }, { "itemNumber" : 12345, "accountingCode" : "...", "description" : "...", "amountWithoutTax" : 12345.0, "amountTax" : 12345.0, "amountWithTax" : 12345.0, "invoiceSubCategoryCode" : "...", "userAccountCode" : "...", "amountByTax" : [ { }, { } ], "ratedTransaction" : [ { }, { } ] } ], "discountAggregate" : [ { "discountPlanItemCode" : "...", "discountPercent" : 12345.0, "itemNumber" : 12345, "accountingCode" : "...", "description" : "...", "amountWithoutTax" : 12345.0, "amountTax" : 12345.0, "amountWithTax" : 12345.0, "invoiceSubCategoryCode" : "...", "userAccountCode" : "...", "amountByTax" : [ { }, { } ], "ratedTransaction" : [ { }, { } ] }, { "discountPlanItemCode" : "...", "discountPercent" : 12345.0, "itemNumber" : 12345, "accountingCode" : "...", "description" : "...", "amountWithoutTax" : 12345.0, "amountTax" : 12345.0, "amountWithTax" : 12345.0, "invoiceSubCategoryCode" : "...", "userAccountCode" : "...", "amountByTax" : [ { }, { } ], "ratedTransaction" : [ { }, { } ] } ] }, { "categoryInvoiceCode" : "...", "description" : "...", "userAccountCode" : "...", "itemNumber" : 12345, "amountWithoutTax" : 12345.0, "amountTax" : 12345.0, "amountWithTax" : 12345.0, "subCategoryInvoiceAgregateDto" : [ { "itemNumber" : 12345, "accountingCode" : "...", "description" : "...", "amountWithoutTax" : 12345.0, "amountTax" : 12345.0, "amountWithTax" : 12345.0, "invoiceSubCategoryCode" : "...", "userAccountCode" : "...", "amountByTax" : [ { }, { } ], "ratedTransaction" : [ { }, { } ] }, { "itemNumber" : 12345, "accountingCode" : "...", "description" : "...", "amountWithoutTax" : 12345.0, "amountTax" : 12345.0, "amountWithTax" : 12345.0, "invoiceSubCategoryCode" : "...", "userAccountCode" : "...", "amountByTax" : [ { }, { } ], "ratedTransaction" : [ { }, { } ] } ], "discountAggregate" : [ { "discountPlanItemCode" : "...", "discountPercent" : 12345.0, "itemNumber" : 12345, "accountingCode" : "...", "description" : "...", "amountWithoutTax" : 12345.0, "amountTax" : 12345.0, "amountWithTax" : 12345.0, "invoiceSubCategoryCode" : "...", "userAccountCode" : "...", "amountByTax" : [ { }, { } ], "ratedTransaction" : [ { }, { } ] }, { "discountPlanItemCode" : "...", "discountPercent" : 12345.0, "itemNumber" : 12345, "accountingCode" : "...", "description" : "...", "amountWithoutTax" : 12345.0, "amountTax" : 12345.0, "amountWithTax" : 12345.0, "invoiceSubCategoryCode" : "...", "userAccountCode" : "...", "amountByTax" : [ { }, { } ], "ratedTransaction" : [ { }, { } ] } ] } ], "taxAggregate" : [ { "description" : "...", "itemNumber" : 12345, "amountWithoutTax" : 12345.0, "amountTax" : 12345.0, "amountWithTax" : 12345.0, "taxCode" : "...", "taxPercent" : 12345.0, "accountingCode" : "..." }, { "description" : "...", "itemNumber" : 12345, "amountWithoutTax" : 12345.0, "amountTax" : 12345.0, "amountWithTax" : 12345.0, "taxCode" : "...", "taxPercent" : 12345.0, "accountingCode" : "..." } ], "invoiceIdToLink" : [ 12345, 12345 ], "invoiceNumber" : "...", "discount" : 12345.0, "amountWithoutTax" : 12345.0, "amountTax" : 12345.0, "amountWithTax" : 12345.0, "paymentMethod" : "STRIPE", "xmlFilename" : "...", "xml" : "...", "pdfFilename" : "...", "pdf" : "...", "autoValidation" : true, "returnXml" : true, "returnPdf" : true, "sendByEmail" : true, "includeBalance" : true, "recordedInvoiceDto" : { "productionDate" : 12345, "invoiceDate" : 12345, "auditableField" : [ { "entityClass" : "...", "fieldName" : "...", "id" : 12345, "changeOrigin" : "...", "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ], "originName" : "...", "code" : "...", "previousState" : "...", "currentState" : "...", "description" : "...", "created" : "...", "updatedCode" : "...", "actor" : "..." }, { "entityClass" : "...", "fieldName" : "...", "id" : 12345, "changeOrigin" : "...", "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ], "originName" : "...", "code" : "...", "previousState" : "...", "currentState" : "...", "description" : "...", "created" : "...", "updatedCode" : "...", "actor" : "..." } ], "netToPay" : 12345.0, "id" : 12345, "dueDate" : 12345, "type" : "...", "transactionDate" : 12345, "transactionCategory" : "CREDIT", "reference" : "...", "accountingCode" : "...", "amount" : 12345.0, "amountWithoutTax" : 12345.0, "taxAmount" : 12345.0, "matchingAmount" : 12345.0, "unMatchingAmount" : 12345.0, "matchingStatus" : "P", "code" : "...", "description" : "...", "customerAccount" : "...", "excludedFromDunning" : true, "orderNumber" : "...", "matchingAmounts" : { "matchingAmount" : [ { }, { } ] }, "otherCreditAndCharge" : { "operationDate" : 12345, "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ], "id" : 12345, "dueDate" : 12345, "type" : "...", "transactionDate" : 12345, "transactionCategory" : "DEBIT", "reference" : "...", "accountingCode" : "...", "amount" : 12345.0, "amountWithoutTax" : 12345.0, "taxAmount" : 12345.0, "matchingAmount" : 12345.0, "unMatchingAmount" : 12345.0, "matchingStatus" : "O", "code" : "...", "description" : "...", "customerAccount" : "...", "excludedFromDunning" : true, "orderNumber" : "...", "matchingAmounts" : { }, "otherCreditAndCharge" : { }, "recordedInvoice" : { }, "rejectedPayment" : { }, "bankLot" : "...", "bankReference" : "...", "bankCollectionDate" : 12345, "depositDate" : 12345, "paymentMethod" : "...", "customFields" : { }, "paymentInfo" : "...", "paymentInfo1" : "...", "paymentInfo2" : "...", "paymentInfo3" : "...", "paymentInfo4" : "...", "paymentInfo5" : "...", "paymentInfo6" : "...", "billingAccountName" : "...", "paymentHistory" : [ { }, { } ], "collectionDate" : 12345, "journalCode" : "...", "status" : "POSTED", "reason" : "REJECTED", "accountingExportFile" : "...", "accountingDate" : 12345 }, "recordedInvoice" : { }, "rejectedPayment" : { "rejectedType" : "M", "rejectedDate" : 12345, "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ], "rejectedDescription" : "...", "rejectedCode" : "...", "id" : 12345, "dueDate" : 12345, "type" : "...", "transactionDate" : 12345, "transactionCategory" : "CREDIT", "reference" : "...", "accountingCode" : "...", "amount" : 12345.0, "amountWithoutTax" : 12345.0, "taxAmount" : 12345.0, "matchingAmount" : 12345.0, "unMatchingAmount" : 12345.0, "matchingStatus" : "O", "code" : "...", "description" : "...", "customerAccount" : "...", "excludedFromDunning" : true, "orderNumber" : "...", "matchingAmounts" : { }, "otherCreditAndCharge" : { }, "recordedInvoice" : { }, "rejectedPayment" : { }, "bankLot" : "...", "bankReference" : "...", "bankCollectionDate" : 12345, "depositDate" : 12345, "paymentMethod" : "...", "customFields" : { }, "paymentInfo" : "...", "paymentInfo1" : "...", "paymentInfo2" : "...", "paymentInfo3" : "...", "paymentInfo4" : "...", "paymentInfo5" : "...", "paymentInfo6" : "...", "billingAccountName" : "...", "paymentHistory" : [ { }, { } ], "collectionDate" : 12345, "journalCode" : "...", "status" : "EXPORTED", "reason" : "CLOSED_PERIOD", "accountingExportFile" : "...", "accountingDate" : 12345 }, "bankLot" : "...", "bankReference" : "...", "bankCollectionDate" : 12345, "depositDate" : 12345, "paymentMethod" : "...", "customFields" : { "customField" : [ { }, { } ], "inheritedCustomField" : [ { }, { } ] }, "paymentInfo" : "...", "paymentInfo1" : "...", "paymentInfo2" : "...", "paymentInfo3" : "...", "paymentInfo4" : "...", "paymentInfo5" : "...", "paymentInfo6" : "...", "billingAccountName" : "...", "paymentHistory" : [ { "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ], "customerAccountCode" : "...", "sellerCode" : "...", "customerAccountName" : "...", "operationDate" : 12345, "updatedStatusDate" : 12345, "lastUpdateDate" : 12345, "amountCts" : 12345, "syncStatus" : "NOT_PROCESSED", "asyncStatus" : "REJECTED", "status" : "PENDING", "externalPaymentId" : "...", "errorCode" : "...", "errorMessage" : "...", "errorType" : "REJECT", "paymentGatewayCode" : "...", "paymentMethodType" : "PAYPAL", "paymentMethodName" : "...", "operationCategory" : "CREDIT", "payment" : { }, "refund" : { }, "listAoPaid" : { } }, { "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ], "customerAccountCode" : "...", "sellerCode" : "...", "customerAccountName" : "...", "operationDate" : 12345, "updatedStatusDate" : 12345, "lastUpdateDate" : 12345, "amountCts" : 12345, "syncStatus" : "PENDING", "asyncStatus" : "ACCEPTED", "status" : "ERROR", "externalPaymentId" : "...", "errorCode" : "...", "errorMessage" : "...", "errorType" : "REJECT", "paymentGatewayCode" : "...", "paymentMethodType" : "CASH", "paymentMethodName" : "...", "operationCategory" : "DEBIT", "payment" : { }, "refund" : { }, "listAoPaid" : { } } ], "collectionDate" : 12345, "journalCode" : "...", "status" : "REJECTED", "reason" : "CLOSED_PERIOD", "accountingExportFile" : "...", "accountingDate" : 12345 }, "netToPay" : 12345.0, "invoiceMode" : "AGGREGATED", "customFields" : { "customField" : [ { "code" : "...", "description" : "...", "fieldType" : "LIST", "languageDescriptions" : [ { }, { } ], "valueDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodStartDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodEndDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodPriority" : 12345, "stringValue" : "...", "dateValue" : 12345, "longValue" : 12345, "doubleValue" : 12345.0, "booleanValue" : true, "value" : [ { }, { } ], "mapValue" : { "property1" : { }, "property2" : { } }, "entityReferenceValue" : { }, "indexType" : "INDEX", "fileValue" : "...", "formattedValue" : { }, "urlReferenceValue" : { }, "guiPosition" : "...", "customTableCode" : "...", "dataFilter" : "...", "fields" : "..." }, { "code" : "...", "description" : "...", "fieldType" : "ENTITY", "languageDescriptions" : [ { }, { } ], "valueDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodStartDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodEndDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodPriority" : 12345, "stringValue" : "...", "dateValue" : 12345, "longValue" : 12345, "doubleValue" : 12345.0, "booleanValue" : true, "value" : [ { }, { } ], "mapValue" : { "property1" : { }, "property2" : { } }, "entityReferenceValue" : { }, "indexType" : "INDEX_NOT_ANALYZE", "fileValue" : "...", "formattedValue" : { }, "urlReferenceValue" : { }, "guiPosition" : "...", "customTableCode" : "...", "dataFilter" : "...", "fields" : "..." } ], "inheritedCustomField" : [ { "code" : "...", "description" : "...", "fieldType" : "URL", "languageDescriptions" : [ { }, { } ], "valueDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodStartDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodEndDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodPriority" : 12345, "stringValue" : "...", "dateValue" : 12345, "longValue" : 12345, "doubleValue" : 12345.0, "booleanValue" : true, "value" : [ { }, { } ], "mapValue" : { "property1" : { }, "property2" : { } }, "entityReferenceValue" : { }, "indexType" : "STORE_ONLY", "fileValue" : "...", "formattedValue" : { }, "urlReferenceValue" : { }, "guiPosition" : "...", "customTableCode" : "...", "dataFilter" : "...", "fields" : "..." }, { "code" : "...", "description" : "...", "fieldType" : "CHECKBOX_LIST", "languageDescriptions" : [ { }, { } ], "valueDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodStartDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodEndDate" : 12345, "valuePeriodPriority" : 12345, "stringValue" : "...", "dateValue" : 12345, "longValue" : 12345, "doubleValue" : 12345.0, "booleanValue" : true, "value" : [ { }, { } ], "mapValue" : { "property1" : { }, "property2" : { } }, "entityReferenceValue" : { }, "indexType" : "STORE_ONLY", "fileValue" : "...", "formattedValue" : { }, "urlReferenceValue" : { }, "guiPosition" : "...", "customTableCode" : "...", "dataFilter" : "...", "fields" : "..." } ] }, "dueBalance" : 12345.0, "isDraft" : true, "checkAlreadySent" : true, "overrideEmail" : "...", "sentByEmail" : true, "paymentScheduleInstancesDto" : { "paging" : { "fullTextFilter" : "...", "filters" : { "property1" : { }, "property2" : { } }, "fields" : "...", "offset" : 12345, "limit" : 12345, "sortBy" : "...", "sortOrder" : "ASCENDING", "multiSortOrder" : "...", "totalNumberOfRecords" : 12345, "loadReferenceDepth" : 12345 }, "actionStatus" : { "status" : "FAIL", "errorCode" : { }, "message" : "...", "entityId" : 12345, "entityCode" : "...", "nrAffected" : 12345, "json" : "..." }, "instance" : [ { "id" : 12345, "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ], "code" : "...", "endDate" : 12345, "description" : "...", "startDate" : 12345, "updatedCode" : "...", "amount" : 12345.0, "calendarCode" : "...", "status" : "IN_PROGRESS", "statusDate" : 12345, "paymentScheduleTemplateCode" : "...", "paymentDayInMonth" : 12345, "serviceInstanceTemplateCode" : "...", "serviceInstanceId" : 12345, "subscriptionCode" : "...", "paymentScheduleInstanceBalanceDto" : { }, "item" : [ { }, { } ], "customFields" : { } }, { "id" : 12345, "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ], "code" : "...", "endDate" : 12345, "description" : "...", "startDate" : 12345, "updatedCode" : "...", "amount" : 12345.0, "calendarCode" : "...", "status" : "CANCELLED", "statusDate" : 12345, "paymentScheduleTemplateCode" : "...", "paymentDayInMonth" : 12345, "serviceInstanceTemplateCode" : "...", "serviceInstanceId" : 12345, "subscriptionCode" : "...", "paymentScheduleInstanceBalanceDto" : { }, "item" : [ { }, { } ], "customFields" : { } } ] }, "dunningEntryDate" : 12345, "dunningLastModification" : 12345, "dunningStatus" : "...", "realTimeStatus" : "PPAID", "ratedTransactionsToLink" : [ 12345, 12345 ], "paymentIncidents" : [ "...", "..." ], "sendPaymentDate" : 12345, "initialCollectionDate" : 12345, "writeOffAmount" : 12345.0, "paymentDate" : 12345, "statusDate" : 12345, "xmlDate" : 12345, "pdfDate" : 12345, "emailSentDate" : 12345, "paymentStatus" : "NONE", "paymentStatusDate" : 12345, "startDate" : 12345, "endDate" : 12345, "rawAmount" : 12345.0, "discountRate" : 12345.0, "discountAmount" : 12345.0, "isAlreadyAppliedMinimum" : true, "isAlreadyAddedDiscount" : true, "discountPlanCode" : "...", "lastAppliedRate" : 12345.0, "lastAppliedRateDate" : 12345 }