name | data type | description |
href | string | |
note | array of Note | |
notificationContact | string | |
description | string | |
state | string | |
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version | string | |
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customerServiceDuration | number | |
accountingArticlePricesDTO | array of AccountingArticlePricesDTO | |
externalId | string | |
id | string | |
isVirtual | boolean | |
customer | Customer | |
fulfillmentStartDate | object | |
validFor | TimeRange | |
agreement | array of ServiceLevelAgreement | |
invoices | array of GenerateInvoiceResultDto | |
quoteCompletionDate | object | |
customFields | CustomFieldsDto | |
contractCode | string | |
category | string | |
opportunityRef | string | |
effectiveQuoteCompletionDate | object | |
quoteDate | object | |
quoteItem | array of ProductQuoteItem | |
customerServiceDateBegin | object | |
generatePdf | boolean | |
array of RelatedParty | ||
customerService | array of CustomerService |
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