ServiceToUpdateDto Data Type

The Class ServiceToUpdateDto.

Implemented Interfaces
name data type description
id number Service instance ID.
code string Service instance code. Note: not a unique identifier as service can be activated mnultiple times
overrideCode string The Service Instance code.
description string Description.
quantity number Quantity.
actionDate number Service suspension or reactivation date - used in service suspension or reactivation API only.
endAgreementDate number End agreement date.
terminationDate number The termination date.
terminationReason string The termination reason.
serviceRenewal SubscriptionRenewalDto The renewal service.
customFields CustomFieldsDto Custom fields.


  "id" : 12345,
  "code" : "...",
  "overrideCode" : "...",
  "description" : "...",
  "quantity" : 12345.0,
  "actionDate" : 12345,
  "endAgreementDate" : 12345,
  "terminationDate" : 12345,
  "terminationReason" : "...",
  "serviceRenewal" : {
    "initialTermType" : "CALENDAR",
    "renewalTermType" : "RECURRING",
    "initialyActiveFor" : 12345,
    "initialyActiveForUnit" : "MONTH",
    "calendarInitialyActiveFor" : {
      "id" : 12345,
      "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ],
      "code" : "...",
      "description" : "...",
      "updatedCode" : "...",
      "calendarType" : "PERIOD",
      "fixedDates" : [ "...", "..." ],
      "days" : [ { }, { } ],
      "hours" : [ { }, { } ],
      "periodLength" : 12345,
      "periodUnit" : "MINUTE",
      "nbPeriods" : 12345,
      "joinCalendar1Code" : "...",
      "joinCalendar2Code" : "...",
      "intervalType" : "WDAY",
      "intervals" : [ { }, { } ],
      "weekendBegin" : 12345,
      "weekendEnd" : 12345,
      "endDate" : 12345,
      "startDate" : 12345,
      "initDateEL" : "...",
      "holidays" : [ { }, { } ],
      "languageDescriptions" : [ { }, { } ]
    "autoRenew" : true,
    "daysNotifyRenewal" : 12345,
    "endOfTermAction" : "SUSPEND",
    "terminationReasonCode" : "...",
    "renewFor" : 12345,
    "calendarRenewFor" : {
      "id" : 12345,
      "auditableField" : [ { }, { } ],
      "code" : "...",
      "description" : "...",
      "updatedCode" : "...",
      "calendarType" : "DAILY",
      "fixedDates" : [ "...", "..." ],
      "days" : [ { }, { } ],
      "hours" : [ { }, { } ],
      "periodLength" : 12345,
      "periodUnit" : "DAY_OF_MONTH",
      "nbPeriods" : 12345,
      "joinCalendar1Code" : "...",
      "joinCalendar2Code" : "...",
      "intervalType" : "WDAY",
      "intervals" : [ { }, { } ],
      "weekendBegin" : 12345,
      "weekendEnd" : 12345,
      "endDate" : 12345,
      "startDate" : 12345,
      "initDateEL" : "...",
      "holidays" : [ { }, { } ],
      "languageDescriptions" : [ { }, { } ]
    "renewForUnit" : "DAY",
    "extendAgreementPeriodToSubscribedTillDate" : true
  "customFields" : {
    "customField" : [ {
      "code" : "...",
      "description" : "...",
      "fieldType" : "LIST",
      "languageDescriptions" : [ { }, { } ],
      "valueDate" : 12345,
      "valuePeriodStartDate" : 12345,
      "valuePeriodEndDate" : 12345,
      "valuePeriodPriority" : 12345,
      "stringValue" : "...",
      "dateValue" : 12345,
      "longValue" : 12345,
      "doubleValue" : 12345.0,
      "booleanValue" : true,
      "value" : [ { }, { } ],
      "mapValue" : {
        "property1" : { },
        "property2" : { }
      "entityReferenceValue" : { },
      "indexType" : "STORE_ONLY",
      "fileValue" : "...",
      "formattedValue" : { },
      "urlReferenceValue" : { },
      "guiPosition" : "...",
      "customTableCode" : "...",
      "dataFilter" : "...",
      "fields" : "..."
    }, {
      "code" : "...",
      "description" : "...",
      "fieldType" : "DATE",
      "languageDescriptions" : [ { }, { } ],
      "valueDate" : 12345,
      "valuePeriodStartDate" : 12345,
      "valuePeriodEndDate" : 12345,
      "valuePeriodPriority" : 12345,
      "stringValue" : "...",
      "dateValue" : 12345,
      "longValue" : 12345,
      "doubleValue" : 12345.0,
      "booleanValue" : true,
      "value" : [ { }, { } ],
      "mapValue" : {
        "property1" : { },
        "property2" : { }
      "entityReferenceValue" : { },
      "indexType" : "INDEX_NOT_ANALYZE",
      "fileValue" : "...",
      "formattedValue" : { },
      "urlReferenceValue" : { },
      "guiPosition" : "...",
      "customTableCode" : "...",
      "dataFilter" : "...",
      "fields" : "..."
    } ],
    "inheritedCustomField" : [ {
      "code" : "...",
      "description" : "...",
      "fieldType" : "CHECKBOX_LIST",
      "languageDescriptions" : [ { }, { } ],
      "valueDate" : 12345,
      "valuePeriodStartDate" : 12345,
      "valuePeriodEndDate" : 12345,
      "valuePeriodPriority" : 12345,
      "stringValue" : "...",
      "dateValue" : 12345,
      "longValue" : 12345,
      "doubleValue" : 12345.0,
      "booleanValue" : true,
      "value" : [ { }, { } ],
      "mapValue" : {
        "property1" : { },
        "property2" : { }
      "entityReferenceValue" : { },
      "indexType" : "STORE_ONLY",
      "fileValue" : "...",
      "formattedValue" : { },
      "urlReferenceValue" : { },
      "guiPosition" : "...",
      "customTableCode" : "...",
      "dataFilter" : "...",
      "fields" : "..."
    }, {
      "code" : "...",
      "description" : "...",
      "fieldType" : "BOOLEAN",
      "languageDescriptions" : [ { }, { } ],
      "valueDate" : 12345,
      "valuePeriodStartDate" : 12345,
      "valuePeriodEndDate" : 12345,
      "valuePeriodPriority" : 12345,
      "stringValue" : "...",
      "dateValue" : 12345,
      "longValue" : 12345,
      "doubleValue" : 12345.0,
      "booleanValue" : true,
      "value" : [ { }, { } ],
      "mapValue" : {
        "property1" : { },
        "property2" : { }
      "entityReferenceValue" : { },
      "indexType" : "STORE_ONLY",
      "fileValue" : "...",
      "formattedValue" : { },
      "urlReferenceValue" : { },
      "guiPosition" : "...",
      "customTableCode" : "...",
      "dataFilter" : "...",
      "fields" : "..."
    } ]