SubCategoryInvoiceAgregate Data Type

Implemented Interfaces
name data type description
discountPercent number
ratedtransactions array of RatedTransaction
categoryInvoiceAgregate CategoryInvoiceAgregate
oldAmountWithoutTax number
subCategoryTaxes array of Tax
oldAmountWithTax number
invoiceSubCategory InvoiceSubCategory
discountPlanItemCode string
discountPlanCode string
wallet WalletInstance
Properties inherited from InvoiceAgregate
amountTax number
tradingCountry TradingCountry
billingRun BillingRun
amountWithoutTax number
userAccount UserAccount
quantity number
description string
amountWithTax number
tradingCurrency TradingCurrency
taxPercent number
tradingLanguage TradingLanguage
accountingCode string
invoice Invoice
itemNumber number
amount number
discountAggregate boolean
discount number
billingAccount BillingAccount
prDescription string
Properties inherited from EnableEntity
active boolean
disabled boolean
Properties inherited from AuditableEntity
auditable Auditable
Properties inherited from BaseEntity
transient boolean
version number
id number